4 Oslo laisvės forumo pamokos: BTC – Cross, Aderinokun, Ardonino, Rauda

Let’s wrap Bitcoinist’s coverage of the Oslo Freedom Forum with controversy. In this last edition, two stablecoins proponents and an extremely confused journalist make their cases. Alex Gladstein, the Human Rights Foundation’s Chief Strategy Officer, has been a big proponent of stablecoins over the Lightning Network. His case is that dissidents need a less volatile currency than bitcoin. Did the Oslo Freedom Forum panelists do a good job explaining why is that? Keep reading to find out. 

And speaking about reading, if you’re interested in the other side of bitcoin, check out these real-life stories straight from the Oslo Freedom Forum: vienas, du, trys, keturi, penki, šeši, septyni

Oslo Freedom Forum: Troy Cross On The Idea Of Bitcoin

Prieš pradėdami ginčytis, panagrinėkime gražius Trojos kryžiaus žodžius. Mums net nereikia jo pristatyti, nes jis tai daro pats.

“I’m a professor of philosophy & humanities at Reed College and also a fellow at the Bitcoin Policy Institute. I’ll tell you my story first and then I’ll introduce the panel. I started getting interested in Bitcoin in 2011. I was fascinated by the idea of money that was not controlled by a state and would disintermediate a predatory and rent-seeking industry. And I started mining this cryptocurrency in my basement with some machines that I had, and I was excited about the community. The possibility. The idea. 

I’m a philosopher. I thought this was one of the most beautiful ideas I have ever encountered. And I followed Bitcoin because I loved the idea. I loved the idea of disintermediating financial institutions and having money that was outside the realm of the state, an idea that spun into a valuable reality and promised to bring the kinds of liberty and freedom to people that we have seen here at this event.”

This is just the beginning. Start thinking about bitcoin and you’ll probably never stop. It’s a deep, powerful, and miraculous idea that could take over your life.

Oslo laisvės forumas: Ire Aderinokun dėl stabilių monetų Nigerijoje

„Stabilių monetų per žaibo tinklą“ koncepcija visada buvo naudojama the Bitcoin 2022 Conference, Žmogaus teisių fondas netgi pasiūlė 1 BTC premiją visiems, kurie galėtų išspręsti problemą „nereikia mainų ar kito žetono“. Keista, kad Oslo laisvės forume jis turėjo Paolo Ardonino, nes Tether yra „dar vienas ženklas“. Ardonino sulauks savo eilės kalbėti. Pirma, Ire Aderinokun, bendruomenės organizatorius ir „Buycoins“ įkūrėjas, bando paaiškinti, kodėl Nigerijai reikia stabilių monetų.

„Taigi, stabilios monetos buvo tikrai gera alternatyva žmonėms, nes jei norėjote turėti prieigą prie dolerių Nigerijoje, tarkime, kad norite laikyti savo pinigus Nigerijoje, bet norite, kad jie būtų doleriais. Taigi bandytumėte atidaryti USD denominuotas sąskaitas, tačiau su tuo kyla tiek daug problemų, nes viena, ji nėra prieinama visiems. Antra, yra tiek daug skirtingų apribojimų. 

Tai panašu, jei turite dolerio kortelę. Dabartinis apribojimas yra toks, kad tikriausiai galite išleisti 20 USD per mėnesį, o tai yra visiškai juokinga. Ką tu ketini su tuo daryti? Ir net negirdėta, kad vieną dieną pabundi ir sužinosi, kad vyriausybė ką tik visus tavo dolerius konvertavo į Nairą, kad ir kokiu kursu pasirinktų. Taigi laikyti pinigus ar dolerius Nigerijoje daugumai žmonių nėra išeitis.

The rich countries have a hard time seeing this, but it’s a common situation all over the world. However, bitcoin fixes this. Does Nigeria need stablecoins or to learn to deal with volatility? Let’s go back to Aderinokun for an explanation.

“So most people will then try to say, “Okay, let’s send my money abroad, let me try and send it to a U.S. bank account or something like that.” And that is also incredibly difficult because, okay, how are you going to do that? First of all, there’s obviously restrictions, like I already mentioned. But even if you wanted to use something like a TransferWise or a Western Union, they’re pretty slow. The rates they give you are also going to be not that efficient and they don’t even always work.”

Well, bitcoin fixes that. 

“And so people are now turning to stablecoins because this is a way for them to access dollars without having to through the traditional system that doesn’t really allow them to do that. So most people who, like you said, aren’t even really that interested in Bitcoin or cryptocurrency in general and very interested in stablecoins as a way to have their money outside of the Nigerian financial system.”

Nigerians want stablecoins because that’s what they know. What they need, though, is bitcoin. It would solve the problem Aderinokun presented to the Oslo Freedom Forum without the counterparty risk that stablecoins present. Why is there counterparty risk? Because a private company issues them. Tether, for example. Speaking of that…  

BTCUSD kainų diagrama, skirta 07-16-2022 - „TradingView“

BTC kainų diagrama 07-16-2022 Coinbase | Šaltinis: BTC/USD TradingView.com

Oslo laisvės forumas: Paolo Ardonino apie „Stablecoin“ pagrindus

As Tether’s Chief Technology Officer, Paolo Ardonino probably has had this conversation a million times. Trying to explain why the world needs stablecoins, he explains the need for bitcoin instead.

„Pasaulyje yra daug vietų, pavyzdžiui, Lotynų Amerikoje, Pietų Amerikoje, Turkijoje, Azijoje, Afrikoje, labai sunku gauti prieigą prie banko sąskaitos. Pasaulyje yra 2 milijardai žmonių, kurie neturi tokio pat lygio prieigos prie banko sąskaitų kaip kiti. Tai ne todėl, kad jie blogi žmonės, o tiesiog jie per vargšai, kad turėtų banko sąskaitą. Liūdna ir net beprotiška. 

Nes priežastis ta, kad banko sąskaitos atidarymas, banko sąskaitos išlaikymas yra itin brangus. Tačiau tuo pačiu metu stabilios monetos turi puikų tikslą. Jie yra labai naudingi daugeliui žmonių. Jie gali netikėti kriptovaliutomis, bet jiems reikia prieigos prie kietų ir stiprių valiutų, nes jų kasdieniame gyvenime to reikia. Jie turi apsaugoti savo investicijas. Jiems reikia leisti vaikus į universitetus ir pan. O jų nacionalinė valiuta to neleidžia“.

Well, bitcoin fixes that. Without counterparty risk.

Oslo laisvės forumas: Nelsono Raudos juokingas poelgis 

It’s a shame that the only Latin person in the Oslo Freedom Forum panels was this so-called investigative journalist. Nelson Rauda works for El Faro, a newspaper financed by foreign powers that is completely opposed to the Salvadoran government. We at Bitcoinist don’t cover politics, so our criticism of President Bukele limits to tjis baisus „Chivo“ piniginė, 7 straipsnio analizė, and constant mentions of the lack of Bitcoin education that the government promised. 

Kokia Nelsono Raudos kritika?   

“The Salvadoran Bitcoin experience has been and is paradoxical. It’s imposed from the top down. It’s not grassroots based. A December national poll revealed that only 10% of people believe the main beneficiaries of the Bitcoin law, which turns a year next week, are the people. While 80% believe that either the rich, foreign investors, banks, businessmen, or the government are the main beneficiaries. So what I’m saying is that Bukele has weaponized bitcoiners and their tweets to whitewash himself and the crooked actions of his government.”

Say what you want about Bukele, but the man made bitcoin legal tender in El Salvador. That fact will go down in history as the greatest thing a president has done for his people. That and only that is the reason bitcoiners tweet about Bukele. If the Salvadorans that El Faro polled don’t understand the magnitude of the gift they’ve been given yet, that’s fine. They will eventually. 

“But if you believe in Bitcoin, you can cheer on the President and the government, giving Salvadorans this tool for financial freedom and still call onto him democracy, rule of law, separation of powers, freedom of the press and all of the other things that humans beings need. I don’t believe in a tool for financial freedom if that’s the only freedom that we’re going to have.”

Laimei, niekam nerūpi, kuo Rauda tiki. Išskyrus Alexą Gladsteiną, kuris padarė klaidą pakviesdamas jį į Oslo laisvės forumą. Gladšteinas nuolat tviteryje rašo prieš Bukelę and his politics, but, did he have to invite a foreign-sponsored pseudo journalist with the worst takes about bitcoin? Couldn’t he find a critic versed in the subject? Probably not. Because someone who understands bitcoin would immediately realize that the Salvadorans now have access to hard money. And that’ll change their lives in ways no one can imagine.

Ir tai yra mūsų Oslo laisvės forumo aprėptis. Jei norite daugiau, yra daug: vienas, du, trys, keturi, penki, šeši, septyni.

Teminiai vaizdai: Ire Aderinokun screenshot iš šio vaizdo įrašo| Diagramos pagal TradingView

Oslo Freedom Forum, Booth and Song screenshot

Source: https://bitcoinist.com/oslo-freedom-forum-cross-aderinokun-ardonino-rauda/