„Ariva Wonderland“ sukels turizmo revoliuciją „Metaverse“, „Crypto“ ir „VR“ dėka – pranešimas spaudai „Bitcoin News“

PRANEŠIMAS SPAUDAI. Viena iš populiariausių temų pastaruoju metu yra metaversija ir, tiksliau, šios naujos rūšies technologijos ryšys su VR (virtualios realybės) technologijomis. Jau buvo daug įvairių iniciatyvų, kuriose VR naudojamas kartu su metaversijomis pagrįstomis pastangomis, siekiant suteikti naujos ir novatoriškos patirties, tačiau viena iš pramonės šakų, kuri iš viso to gali gauti daugiausia naudos, yra turizmo sektorius.

As the ongoing global pandemic continues, people from all over the world miss being able to freely travel to new places and other countries. However, thanks to a new metaverse project by Ariva, users will be given the chance to have a truly next-generation and seemingly unlimited travelling experience through which they could virtually go anywhere they want.

Kas yra Ariva?

„Ariva“ yra nauja „blockchain“ platforma, kuria siekiama pagerinti dabartinio turizmo sektoriaus neefektyvumą, turizmo ir kelionių pramonei pasiūlydama naujos kartos į blokų grandinę orientuotą ekosistemą. Dėl to ji tikisi pakeisti pasaulinį sektorių, įtraukdama pažangiausius produktus ir paslaugas į atitinkamą ekosistemą.

According to its whitepaper, this is broken down into several key areas, namely Ariva.Club, Ariva.Finance, Ariva.World, and most recently the Ariva Metaverse. All of these are linked with one another too, therefore enabling increased interconnectivity and allowing visitors as well as travellers alike to have a one-of-a-kind experience enabled through the intuitive use of blockchain technology.

As aforementioned, the team recently launched a metaverse project named Ariva Wonderland, with land sales set to begin towards the end of January. The goal of the Ariva metaverse project is to combine the themes of travel and VR in the cryptocurrency space to create a second life fit for an evolving tourist enterprise. Users shall hence be allowed to enjoy a new generation of digital tourism filled with seemingly limitless future travel experiences in this manner, which is certainly going to be quite beneficial as nobody knows when the current pandemic will truly end and so the metaverse and VR are going to play an increasingly important role for the foreseeable future.

Laimėjimai, sąrašai ir ateities tikslai

Ariva has released the Ariva.Finance staking pool ecosystem (Ariva Staking Factory – ASF) which is presently operational and its users have since staked over 10B ARV in a very short time. The team also announced that a crypto payment gateway, Ariva Liquidity Farming and Lottery options will be coming to Ariva.Finance very soon. Additionally the team has created an NFT Art series named Arivamanas ir šiuo metu siekia netikėto sąrašo.

Be to, turėtojų skaičius perkopė 160,000 6, o socialinių tinklų sekėjų skaičius taip pat išaugo daugiau nei dvigubai. Lyg to būtų maža, su Nasdaq pasiektas 16 mėnesių rinkodaros kampanijos susitarimas. Šiuo atžvilgiu TV interviu ir reklaminiai stendai su Ariva bus išleisti Niujorke, o sausio XNUMX d. Newsmax netgi parodys pirmąjį interviu.

Finally, not only did ARV receive a blue tick on BscScan and have banner ads approved there and on Etherscan, but a 6.36B token burn had been accomplished by the team too and listings on MEXC Global, AAX, Liquid Global and Bittrex Global have all been finalised as well. Currently, the Arivaman NFT series is on its way along with the land sales for the metaverse project which is also set to take precedence for the future. More information can be found via the official website, as well as various social media channels such as Twitter, Facebook, and the Telegram group.


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Vaizdo kreditai: „Shutterstock“, „Pixabay“, „Wiki Commons“

Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/ariva-wonderland-to-revolutionise-tourism-thanks-to-the-metaverse-crypto-and-vr/