Bitcoin Coinbase Premium Gap artėja prie nulio, o išpardavimas baigiasi?

On-chain data shows the Bitcoin coinbase premium gap has improved recently and is now approaching a neutral value, suggesting the selling pressure may be drying up.

Bitcoin Coinbase Premium Gap Close To Zero, But Still Negative

Kaip pažymėjo CryptoQuant analitikas paštu, the selling pressure from US investors seems to have reduced in recent days.

"Coinbase Premium Gap” is an indicator that measures the difference in the Bitcoin prices listed on crypto exchanges Coinbase (USD pair) and Binance (USDT pair).

Kvantas pažymi, kad žinoma, kad JAV investuotojai naudojasi „Coinbase“ platforma, ypač didelio tinklo subjektai ir institucijos.

Kai šios metrikos vertė yra teigiama, tai reiškia, kad Coinbase kaina šiuo metu yra didesnė. Tokia tendencija rodo, kad pastaruoju metu JAV investuotojai pirko.

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On the other hand, a negative premium gap implies there has been some selling on the crypto exchange as the price is lesser than on Binance.

Now, here is a chart that shows the trend in the Bitcoin Coinbase premium gap over the year 2022 so far:

Bitcoin Coinbase Premium Gap

The value of the metric looks to be negative right now | Source: „CryptoQuant“

As you can see in the above graph, the Bitcoin Coinbase premium gap has been negative in the last couple of months.

Per LUNA avarija, it reached a highly red value of $131, which means there was some heavy selling from US investors then.

Tolesniu konsolidavimo laikotarpiu, taip pat ir per paskutinę avariją, rodiklio vertė svyravo į šoną apie neigiamą 20 USD.

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Tačiau per pastarąsias kelias dienas tendencija pasikeitė, o priemokos atotrūkis dabar stebi tam tikrą judėjimą aukštyn.

While the indicator still has a negative value, it’s quite close to zero now as the gap between Coinbase and Binance stands at just -$5.

This shows that the selling pressure from US investors has been dying down recently, a sign that could prove to be bullish for the price of Bitcoin.

BTC kaina

Rašymo metu Bitcoin kaina svyruoja apie 21.2 tūkst. USD, ty 11% daugiau nei per pastarąsias septynias dienas. Per pastarąjį mėnesį kriptovaliuta prarado 28% vertės.

Žemiau esančioje diagramoje parodyta monetos kainos tendencija per pastarąsias penkias dienas.

Bitcoin kainų lentelė

Panašu, kad kriptovaliutos vertė per pastarąsias kelias dienas kilo | Šaltinis: BTCUSD „TradingView“

Since the low below $18k, Bitcoin has been trying to gradually make some recovery. However, the crypto is currently finding it difficult to leave the $21k level.

Teminis vaizdas iš, diagramos iš,
