Bitcoin, Ether, Major Altcoins - savaitinis rinkos atnaujinimas 17 m. Sausio 2022 d

Iš viso kriptovaliutų rinkos dangtelis added $102 billion to its value for the last seven days ir dabar siekia $2,03 mlrd. Šios viršų 10 coins were all in green for the same time period with Cardano (ADA) and Binance Coin (BNB) leading the pack with 30 and 9.1 percent of gains respectively. Bitcoin (BTC) šiuo metu prekiaujama 42,700 XNUMX USD, o eteris (ETH) yra 3,275 XNUMX USD.


Bitcoin dropped to a 3-month low on Saturday, January 8 hitting $40,450 during intraday trading before recovering to $41,70 at the daily candle close. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) also reached a level last seen during the May 2021 crash as BTC remained heavily oversold.

Sekmadienį, sausio 9 d., moneta suformavo mažą žalią žvakę iki 41,900 40,000 USD, nes daugelis prekiautojų lažinosi ant XNUMX XNUMX USD – tvirtos horizontalios atramos ir pasipriešinimo linijos. Galima tikėtis trumpalaikio palengvėjimo atšokimo.

BTC/USDT pora paskutinį septynių dienų laikotarpį baigė su 11 procentų nuostoliu.

Pirmadienį BTC kaina per pirmąją sesijos dalį nukrito iki 39,700 2022 USD dėl FED vykstančių debatų apie artėjančius palūkanų normų kėlimus, siekiant kovoti su infliacija XNUMX m. Tikimasi, kad palūkanų norma padidės. turės įtakos rizikos turtui, pavyzdžiui, akcijoms ir kriptovaliutams.

Tačiau antradienio sesija buvo visiškai kitokia. Didžiausia kriptovaliuta inicijavo pakilimą – šoktelėjo 2.3 proc. iki 42,780 44,000 USD. Po šio žingsnio trečiadienį sekė dar viena stipri prekybos diena, per kurią pirkėjai pakėlė kainą iki 21 45,500 USD. Vis dėlto jis išliko žemiau 46,000 dienos EMA ir buvusios trumpalaikės paramos maždaug XNUMX XNUMX–XNUMX XNUMX USD.

On Thursday, January 13, the BTC/USDT pair formed the exact same candle but in the opposite direction, losing 3.4 percent before stopping at $42,529.

The Friday session was slightly better for buyers as the price of BTC moved back up to $43,000.

The weekend of January 15-16 started with a flat session on Saturday as the momentum was not in favor of a continuation of the uptrend.

On Sunday, it again remained stable, hovering around the $43,200 level.

What we are seeing midday on Monday is a short correction to $42,700.


Šeštadienį, sausio 3,000 d., Ethereum projekto žetonas ETH pasiekė rugsėjo mėnesio dugną ir siekė 8 3,900 USD. Moneta glaudžiai sekė Bitcoin, tačiau, skirtingai nei jos didysis brolis, ji rodė tam tikrus stiprumo ženklus, daugiausia per savaitės laikotarpį, kai 2021 XNUMX USD parama paskutinį kartą buvo sulaužyta, bet ne paskutinė, užregistruota per XNUMX m. rugsėjo mėn. korekciją.

On Sunday, January 9 it formed a short green candle to $3,140 but still ended the week with a 17 percent loss.

RSI rodiklis pasiekė 27 – tai vertė nematyta nuo 2020 m. kovo mėn. koronaviruso katastrofos. Analitikai tai nurodė kaip trumpalaikį pirkimo signalą, kai naujienos apie Federalinio rezervo banko palūkanų padidėjimą buvo įsisavintos ir įvertintos.

Pirmadienio sesija prasidėjo nauja žemiausia kaina – 2,941 USD. Tačiau buliai greitai sureagavo ir vėl susigrąžino pozicijas virš minėtos paramos virš 3,000 USD ir Volume Profile Control Point.

Antradienį, sausio 11 d., ETH/USDT pora pakilo iki 3,237 5.4 USD ir savo vertę padidino XNUMX proc.

Trečiadienį eteris suformavo antrą iš eilės žalią žvakę dienos grafike ir pasiekė 3,372 XNUMX USD – galimą pasipriešinimo zoną.

Bears were quick to react in that area. They pushed the price down to $3,242 on Thursday, January 13, which resulted in a 3.6 percent correction. The stability of the area around $3,400 comes from the fact it was strengthened in the August- October 2021 period when ETH was struggling to surpass it.

The last day of the workweek came with a jump to $3,324 as the trading volumes once again started to fall.

The first day of the weekend brought some low volatility with it as the ether remained more or less in the same area. Then on Sunday, January 16 it moved slightly higher – to $3,341, but buyers were unable to surpass the small resistance mentioned above.

ETH is currently trading at $3,280.

Vadovaujantys majorai

The Cardano supporters had a tough Q4 in 2021 watching their favorite project losing 65 percent of its value after hitting an all-time high of $3 in September.

Now it looks like the ADA/USDT pair has finally found support around the extremely stable horizontal right above $1. That area was unbreakable during the entire 2021 and now bulls will be looking to re-initiate the accumulation phase for one of the leading Ethereum competitors.

ADA added 20 percent on a weekly basis and is now trading back above its 21-day EMA, looking to regain positions above the last reached high at $1.5. A successful break there will open the door for an attack of the same EMA on the weekly timeframe, which is currently located at $1.66.

Savaitės Altcoin

Our Altcoin of the week is Oasis Network (ROSE). This project represents a Layer 1, proof of stake ecosystem that utilizes the Cosmos SDK to build upon. It is described as a highly scalable and secure solution for Defi that has two main components: a core layer called the Consensus Layer and ParaTime Layer that can host many parallel runtimes just like the Polkadot parachains work.

The native token of the Oasis Network – Rose, benefited from the rise of Cosmos (ATOM) and surged in the price for the last seven days. It added 54 percent to reach a new all-time high on Saturday, January 15 – $0.59.

The coin moved up to #78 on CoinGecko’s Top 100 list with a total market cap of approximately $1.82 billion.

There is a lot happening around Oasis in the last few weeks with the Ethereum-compatible subnetwork Emerald crossing the $100 million barrier of Total Value Locked (TVL) on the hosted YuzuSwap DEX while Binance Labs announced they will support the Oasis ecosystem fund to further help the projects building on its network.

The ROSE/USDT pair is currently trading at $0.52.

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