„Bitcoin“ rinkos viršutinė riba sumažėjo 280 milijardų dolerių, nes 2022 m. nepavyko priimti kriptovaliutų

Cryptocurrencies’ values have been diving due to the current bloodbath in the crypto market. Likewise, the largest and most popular cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, also continues to lose its value. The coin has consecutively dropped since the year 2022 has turned.

Per the statistics provided by „Tradingview.com“, the market value of the giant Bitcoin was fledging around $883.89 billion on January 1. However, after the continuous downtrend in the value, its market capitalization as of May 10 stands around $568.55 billion.

Susiję skaitymai Rinkos nuosmukio tendencija skatina Bitcoin įplaukas iš institucinių investuotojų

It means that the Bitcoin market cap has lost more than 35% by outflowing $315 billion since the beginning of the year.

The DeFi asset’s drop in price has similarly declined the DeFi market cap. Meanwhile, Bitcoin faced an ever-decreasing price falling from $46,726 on January 1 and trading at $29,865 as of May 11.

Kitaip tariant, BTC kaina rašymo metu buvo praradusi 35%. Arba tarkime, kad kaina sumažėjo 17,861 XNUMX USD, palyginti su jos verte prieš metų pradžią. 

Crypto Bloodbath Occurs Amidst Bitcoin’s Growing Adoption

Bitcoin’s inability to capitalize on the crypto adoption of 2022 across the global industries, became the reason for these year-to-date (YTD) losses. It also encircles the recent adoption of Bitcoin in the Central African Republic (CAR), the second country after El Salvador to make Bitcoin a legal tender.

In terms of the adoption, the Bitcoin network has reportedly installed 3,000 ATMs in 2022 where users can buy and sell Bitcoins. The number of such machines is 37,338 as of May 11.

Players in the industry put their efforts in 2021 to spread the growth of Bitcoin, installing over 10,000 ATM machines globally. 

It is not only Bitcoin that recorded increasing adoption; nearly 700 naujų kriptovaliutų and 30 crypto exchanges have rolled out solely in March. At the time of writing this news piece, 19,384 cryptocurrencies are circulating in 525 total crypto exchanges.

BTCUSD_2022-05-11_17-33-16 (1)
Bitcoin price currently trades above the $30,000 mark. | Source: BTC/USD price chart from TradingView.com

Cryptocurrency Is Now Linked With Stocks

Kriptovaliutų santykis su akcijomis išaugo, nes daugelis finansų institucijų per pastaruosius metus pradėjo naudoti blokų grandinės technologiją. 

Tradicinės finansų rinkos kartu su kriptovaliutų pramone patyrė didelį išpardavimą dėl griežtėjančios Federalinio rezervo banko pinigų politikos, skleidžiančios baimę. Todėl Wall Street patiria sunkumų, o jo indeksas sumažėjo 3.75%.

Susiję skaitymai Ilgalaikiai Bitcoin turėtojai pradeda kapituliuoti panikuodami

Bitcoin’s price lastly went below $30,000 in July 2021 when its value reached the $29,301 mark before rebounding.

“Bitcoin could perhaps receive a mini-bounce near $35,000, but unless we break the trend line at around $37,000, I’m predicting for $29,000 in the coming weeks or week,” sakė Wendy O, a crypto analyst, in a new social media video.

Daugelis investuotojų BTC pavadino skaitmeninės eros auksu ir potencialia investicija į saugą, apsisaugodami nuo infliacijos. Tačiau, matant nepastovius kriptovaliutų kainų pokyčius, rinka nelaiko virtualaus turto patikima vertybių saugykla.

Teminis vaizdas iš Pixabay ir diagrama iš TradingView.com


Source: https://www.newsbtc.com/news/bitcoin/bitcoin-market-cap-falls-by-315-billion-as-crypto-adoption-in-2022-fails-to-materialize/