Bitcoin kainų analizė: BTC išaugo iki 31,000 XNUMX USD, greitas atsekimas?

Bitcoin price analysis is bullish today as we have seen a substantial drop until the $31,000 mark, where rejection is currently seen. Therefore, BTC/USD will likely regain some of the loss over the next days and look to set a lower high.

Bitcoin price analysis: BTC spikes to $31,000, swift retracement incoming? 1
Kriptovaliutų šilumos žemėlapis. Šaltinis: „Coin360“

Per pastarąsias 24 valandas rinka buvo neigiama. Tuo tarpu lyderis Bitcoin prarado 6.89 proc Ethereum over 7.88 percent. Meanwhile, Terra (LUNA) was the worst performer, with over a 16 percent loss.

Bitcoin price movement in the last 24 hours: Bitcoin declines over 10 percent

BTC/USD kaina svyravo nuo 31,277.32 34,672.27 USD iki 24 33.91 USD, o tai rodo didelį nepastovumą per pastarąsias 47.34 valandas. Prekybos apimtys išaugo 599 proc. ir iš viso sudaro 41.72 mlrd. USD, o bendra rinkos kapitalas prekiauja apie XNUMX mlrd. USD, todėl dominuoja XNUMX proc.

BTC/USD 4-hour chart: BTC reacts higher at $31,000

On the 4-hour chart, we can see a sharp drop met with a reaction higher at the $31,000 mark, potentially indicating that retracement will follow later today.

Bitcoin price analysis: BTC spikes to $31,000, retracement incoming?
BTC / USD 4 valandų diagrama. Šaltinis: TradingView

Bitcoin price action saw a strong higher high set at the $40,000 late last week. However, further upside did not follow as the following decline took the market way below the previous low.

On May 5 2022, BTC/USD found support at $35,500 before moving into a consolidation for over a day. Recovery did not follow once more as further downside was tested later in the weekend.

Today, the selling pressure continued. Bitcoin price quickly moved as low as the $31,000 mark, where a reaction higher can currently be seen. Likely, BTC/USD will react higher later today, sending the market towards a new higher swing low over the next days.

Bitcoin kainų analizė: išvada 

Bitcoin price analysis is bullish today as we expect a retracement to follow after another drop of over 10 percent. Therefore, bears are likely exhausted, and BTC/USD is ready to regain some of the loss seen over the last days.

Laukdami, kol Bitcoin judės toliau, skaitykite mūsų straipsnius apie Kaip įdėti Shiba Inu į Metamask, Kaip nusipirkti Ankrir Ar Safuu yra gera investicija 2022 m.

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