„Bitcoin“ vis dar labai meškų, sako Peteris Schiffas

Bitcoin may be aiming for another retest of a crucial price level that prevents the digital gold from entering another bear cycle, which appears to be the next logical objective given that the first cryptocurrency was unable to break through $25,000, according to the cryptocurrency’s daily chart.

Bitcoin May Fall If It Goes Below This Level

After falling below $20,000 in June, Bitcoin has been trading in a rising wedge for more than a month. Since then, the value of the king cryptocurrency has increased by over 25%, with occasional jumps to a 30% price increase.


BTC/USD prekiauja 24 tūkst. USD. Šaltinis: TradingView

Deja, vienas modelis – mažėjančios apimties profilis – išlaikė visą rinką atsargią ir parodė, kad prekybininkai ir investuotojai nepalaiko dabartinės krypties.

Kai rinka vėl patiria stiprų pardavimo spaudimą, galiausiai ji gali baigtis mažėjančiu nepastovumu. Maždaug 23,400 50 USD nukritimas žemiau pleišto apatinės ribos reikš tikslią apsisukimo pradžią. Laimei, slenkstis sutampa su esminiu XNUMX dienų slankiojo vidurkio palaikymo lygiu, kuris dažnai naudojamas kaip gairės populiarėjančiam turtui.

Peter Schiff Says Bitcoin May Go Below $10k

The economist and ardent opponent of Bitcoin, Peter Schiff, has reaffirmed his gloomy outlook for the price of Bitcoin (BTC/USD), speculating that the benchmark cryptocurrency may go below $10,000.

Putting Bitcoin’s “rally into perspective” demonstrates that bears are still firmly in control, according to Peter Schiff.

In June, Bitcoin hit a low of $17,600 as the bear market deepened and the wider cryptocurrency market experienced instability.

Bitcoin’s recent climb to highs of $25,000 and retest of support were mentioned in Schiff’s tweets on Monday, in which he reiterated his previous prediction that BTC will reach $0. However, despite the gold advocate’s dire predictions for BTC, Michael Saylor of MicroStrategy insists that “Bitcoin is hope.”

According to Saylor, the devaluation of fiat currencies amid runaway inflation in countries such as Argentina leaves BTC as the best alternative for the people. The cryptocurrency thus offers more than an investment. He tweeted:

„Šią savaitę orientacinė palūkanų norma Argentinoje pasiekė 69.5%. Per dvi savaites jis padidėjo 1750 bp. Oficialus infliacijos lygis išaugo iki 71%. Tikimasi, kad iki metų pabaigos jis viršys 90 proc. Bitcoin yra daugiau nei investicija. Bitcoin yra viltis.

Teminis vaizdas iš Shutterstock, diagrama iš TradingView.com

Source: https://www.newsbtc.com/news/bitcoin/bitcoin-still-very-bearish-says-peter-schiff/