„Bitfarms“ praneša apie didesnę BTC gamybą, padidėjus kasybos pajamoms

Public bitcoin miners have had a difficult couple of months since the price of bitcoin dropped below the $30 level. The digital asset’s mining revenues had plummeted with the price and had brought down the cash flow on bitcoin miners with it. Despite this decline, some bitcoin miners are taking the bear market head-on, using this as a time to build.

Bitfarms padidina aktyvumą

One of the bitcoin miners that has recorded positive growth even through the bear market has been Bitfarms. The company’s recent reports show moves in the right direction in regards to its mining hashrate and the amount of BTC it is producing.

Rugpjūčio mėnesį „Bitfarms“ padidino savo kasybos maišos rodiklį 1%, kad bendras mėnesio skaičius padidėtų iki 3.9 maišos per sekundę (EH/s). Be to, kalnakasys taip pat padidino savo mėnesio BTC gamybą iki 534, o tai reiškia 6.8% padidėjimą.

More expansion always lies in the future of the bitcoin miner, with a 50-megawatt warehouse being completed in Rio Cuarto, Argentina. The company plans to further increase its hash rate by another 7% in the month of September to bring its total to 4.2 exahashes per second (EH/s).

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Bitfarms had not been the only bitcoin miner to record positive growth, though. Cleanspark reported in late August that its hash rate had tripled in the last year to 3 EH/s.

Bitcoin Mining Revenues Grow

Bitcoin mining revenues for the month of August have been encouraging. Although there were times when the mining revenue had suffered some setbacks, miners had actually seen their revenues increase by a total of 10% for the month.

„The Block“ praneša that bitcoin miner revenues came out to $657 million in August. In contrast, the bitcoin mining revenue for the month of July had come out to a total of $585.25 million. The month of August also saw one of the largest mining difficulty adjustments for the year, surging 9.26%.

Following this, the bitcoin hash rate had jumped more than 13%, with around 6.64 blocks mined per hour. This is understandable as temperatures have begun to normalize in places like Texas, and bitcoin miners have been able to turn their machines back on.

Tačiau paskutinę rugpjūčio savaitę sandorių mokesčiai buvo pastebimai maži, nes nukrito iki tokio lygio, kuris nematytas nuo 2020 m. balandžio mėn. Galų gale, rugpjūtis kalnakasiams nebuvo itin skausmingas mėnuo, tačiau rugsėjo pradžioje kainos nukrito žemiau 20,000 XNUMX USD. , kalnakasiams gali tekti iškrauti daugiau BTC, jei nebus reikšmingo atsigavimo.

Teminis vaizdas iš Coinbase, diagrama iš TradingView.com

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Source: https://bitcoinist.com/bitfarms-reports-higher-btc-production/