Uždirbkite iki 147% APY iš savo BTC, ETH ir DOGE

The ideal crypto investment opportunity is one that generates generous revenues without exposing you to a high level of risk.

Also, it won’t demand hours spent in front of a screen overseeing your investment and will provide consistent returns regardless of market nepastovumas.

Pagrindinis to pavyzdys yra „ArbiSmart“, arbitražo prekyba project, which performs automatizuotas kriptovaliutų arbitražas to generate passive profits of up to 147% a year.

RBIS, the native token behind the EU-authorized project is generating a lot of buzzes right now, since even while other coins are crashing, RBIS is rising in value, having already risen over 300% last month, with analysts projecting a rise to 30 times the current price by the end of 2022.

Kaip tai veikia?

ArbiSmart generates profits from temporary price disparities across crypto exchanges. These are short periods during which a coin is available at different prices simultaneously.

These price discrepancies can occur for all kinds of reasons, such as differences in liquidity or trading volume between bigger and smaller exchanges, and they arise with the same regularity, whichever direction the market is moving.

The ArbiSmart system is integrated with 35 exchanges, where it tracks hundreds of crypto assets, 24 hours a day.

On identifying a price difference across exchanges, the algorithm automatically buys the asset at the lowest offered price and then instantly sells it wherever the price is highest to make a profit before the disparity resolves itself.

The entire process takes a split-second to perform and the algorithm can execute multiple crypto arbitrage trades simultaneously, generating sizable, steady profits.

Kokios naudos?

Pagrindinis paslaugos pranašumas yra tai, kad ji puikiai apsaugo nuo kainų kritimo ir užtikrina pastovią grąžą, kuri yra tokia pati bulių ar lokių rinkoje.

Instead of just safely HODLing your crypto, letting it sit idle while you wait for the market to bounce back, or entering the high-risk/high-reward world of swing trading, trying to predict short-term price movements, automated crypto arbitrage gives you the best of all worlds. Your crypto is securely stored while generating risk-free, sky-high revenue.

„ArbiSmart“ siūlo pelną, neprilygstamą bet kurioje pramonės šakoje, o tikslią sumą, kurią uždirbate, nustato jūsų sąskaitos lygiu.

The levels start at Beginner, then go to Advanced, and at the higher Expert and Elite levels, you also compound interest on your profits. The higher your account level, the larger the percentage yield you receive on your investment.

There is also zero effort involved, or knowledge required, as the system is fully automated. Once you have set up your account, the algorithm takes over to generate predictable, passive profits that can be paskaičiuota iš anksto.

Ką reikia daryti?

To start earning profits, your first step is to register, and then you will need to purchase a minimum of 1000 RBIS, to be eligible to use the service.

This will raise your account status to Beginner Account Level 1. The native token can be bought with just a couple of clicks, through the RBIS management page in the dashboard. 

Then you can deposit funds in any of the arbitrage service’s 25 supported FIAT and cryptocurrencies, from Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cardano, and ApeCoin to Euro, USD, and GBP. The more RBIS you own, the higher your account level, meaning a better APY on account balances in all supported currencies.

Toliau turite pasirinkti, kiek laiko lėšos bus užrakintos, kad jos galėtų jūsų vardu atlikti kriptovaliutų arbitražą. Planai gali būti nuo trumpų 1 mėnesio ar 3 mėnesių iki ilgesnių 2, 3 ar 5 metų laikotarpių. Kuo ilgiau leisite savo lėšoms dirbti, įtraukę į investicijų planą, tuo didesnis jūsų pelnas.

The way you receive your daily profits will also impact your bottom line. They can be sent to a separate balance, from which they can be withdrawn at any time, or for a better return, they can be locked up in the investment balance, alongside the initial deposit. 

The option that will earn the highest profits is to have your daily profits paid in RBIS, rather than the currency of the investment plan and they will be locked up until the time frame for the investment plan expires.

Paskutinis žingsnis yra pasirinkti indėlio sumą ir viskas. Dabar jūsų investicija pradės generuoti kasdienį pelną jūsų vardu plano galiojimo laikotarpiu.

Kaip galite padidinti savo pelną?

Įsigiję daugiau RBIS gausite naudos iš aukštesnio sąskaitos lygio, taigi ir didesnio APY savo Bitcoin ir Euruose.

Nors galite atidaryti investicinius planus įvairiomis valiutomis, RBIS likučiai uždirbs daug didesnį procentinį pelną iš kriptovaliutų arbitražo nei likučiai bet kuria kita palaikoma valiuta.

Not only will owning RBIS generate higher returns from crypto arbitrage, but it will also potentially offer huge capital gains as the token rises in price. Already up 300% in just the last month, as other coins have struggled to retain value, RBIS demand is steadily outpacing supply.

Kadangi vis daugiau RBIS įtraukiama į investicinius planus ir išimama iš bendros apyvartos, tai daro spaudimą ir taip ribotai pasiūlai. Žetonų, kuriuos kada nors galima sukurti, skaičius ribojamas iki 450 mln. RBIS, todėl mažėjant pasiūlai, o paklausai ir toliau augant, tikėtina, kad kaina pakils.

Kitas veiksnys, didinantis žetonų paklausą ir sukuriantis naują pelną RBIS savininkams, yra kelių naujų paslaugų įtraukimas į ArbiSmart kriptovaliutų investavimo ekosistemą 4 m. ketvirtąjį ketvirtį ir kitų metų pradžioje, todėl vartotojai turės įsigyti RBIS, kad pradėtų uždirbti pelno.

The new utilities on the way at the tail end of 2022, include an NFT turgavietė for the purchase and sale of nepakeičiamas tokens, a unique ArbiSmart NFT collection, as well as a one-of-a-kind defi protocol with innovative gamification features.

A first for the market, the protocol will enable yield farmers to loan capital and provide liquidity in return for up to 190,000% APY plus 0.3% of the fees from every trade, while also increasing their profits through the use of ArbiSmart NFTs.

In early 2023, ArbiSmart will also be introducing a žaisti, kad uždirbtum gaming metaverse where participants will be able to buy, sell, and develop virtual plots of land, as well as a professional EU-authorized and registered cryptocurrency exchange.

Users of these new RBIS utilities will be able to earn profits from gaming, providing liquidity, investing in NFT, and trading crypto. These services will also increase token usage, push up demand, and create even higher capital gains for RBIS owners.

All these services will be interconnected, so there will be exclusive benefits for RBIS owners across the ecosystem, further increasing token usage.

For example, when exchanging currency on the ArbiSmart exchange, the trader will receive a discount on the trade fee if they pay in RBIS, and an ArbiSmart NFT will serve to boost a liquidity provider’s score, raising their APY.

Taigi, be kriptovaliutų arbitražo pelno ir pelno iš kitų RBIS komunalinių paslaugų, galite užsidirbti pelno iš kylančios žetonų kainos.

The ArbiSmart project is currently offering a 72- hour promotion starting from the date of this article’s publication, of free Beginner Level 1 account status. This means users will be able to start earning interest, with FREE 1,000 RBIS.

To claim the promotion open an account today.

Atsakomybės neigimas

Visa mūsų svetainėje esanti informacija skelbiama sąžiningai ir tik bendro pobūdžio informacijos tikslais. Bet kokie veiksmai, kuriuos skaitytojas imasi remdamasis mūsų svetainėje esančia informacija, yra griežtai jų pačių rizika.

Source: https://beincrypto.com/earn-up-to-147-apy-on-your-btc-eth-and-doge/