Ar jau per vėlu pirkti Bitcoin? BTC rinkos viršutinė riba lygi tik 0.1% pasaulio turto

Is it too late to buy Bitcoin? BTC market cap equals only 0.1% of global wealth

Nors kripto valiutos rinka is currently going through a difficult period, some investuotojams prognozuoja a šviesi ateitis for its largest asset, Bitcoin (BTC), and many are hoping to accumulate as much as possible before it is too late.

Circumstances seem to be working in their favor as Bitcoin’s market capitalization currently equals only 0.1% of the total global wealth, according to the duomenys retrieved on September 14 from the analytics platform PricedInBitcoin21, which denominates and tracks various assets in Bitcoin.

Specifically, the total global wealth at press time stood at an estimated $418.3 trillion, whereas the market cap of Bitcoin was close to $390 billion, as per combined PricedInBitcoin21 ir CoinMarketCap duomenys.

BTC market cap equals 0.1% of global wealth. Source: PricedInBitcoin21

Bitcoin vs. global wealth and U.S. banks’ assets

Compared to the assets of the commercial banks headquartered in the United States, the ratio is slightly higher, as Bitcoin’s market cap equates to 1.7% of the U.S. commercial banks’ holdings expressed in USD.

BTC market cap equals 1.7% of the assets of the U.S. commercial banks. Source: PricedInBitcoin21

It is also worth noting that Bitcoin is recording astronomical five-year return rates, dwarfing other asset classes, including the atsargos of five leading bankai, despite its pronounced volatility and significant sell-offs, according to the data from the Finboldas ROI tool.

Investor interest and price analysis

On top of that, in the opinion of the professional kriptovaliutų prekeivis and analyst Josh Rager, Bitcoin is set to have a reikšmingas mitingas 2024 m, just after its next per pusę renginio, roughly every four years.

Meanwhile, investor interest in buying Bitcoin has liko žemas in comparison to when the asset’s value was rising, as investors are waiting for a potential bottom – a scenario that might motivate more people to buy the dip.

At press time, the price of the maiden cryptocurrency stood at $20,296, indicating a 4.36% drop on the day, but still a 7.69% increase across the previous seven days, according to CoinMarketCap data.
