Ši moneta per rugsėjį pašoko 350%, o Bitcoin ir Dogecoin sumažėjo

The extended crypto bear trend has shown no signs of ending soon but not every digital asset is on a downward slide. In fact, some are showing an exceptional level of resistance to market nepastovumas, one of which is RBIS, the token fueling the „ArbiSmart“ projektas.

ArbiSmart yra ES įgaliota financial services hub, which is climbing steadily in value even as Bitcoin and other leading crypto assets continue to experience falling prices.

Pažiūrėkime, kuo jis išsiskiria.

Nuolatinis pelnas bėgiojant lokiui

ArbiSmart ekosistema apima automatizuotą kripto arbitražas service, which enables you to insulate your crypto from market volatility while earning sizable passive profits, making it very popular during a downturn.

Crypto arbitrage makes money from brief periods in which a coin is available across different exchanges simultaneously. They can arise for various reasons, like a disparity in trading volume between a bigger exchange and a smaller one, and they occur just as frequently in bull or bear markets.

ArbiSmart’s algorithm monitors assets across nearly 40 exchanges at once, and whenever it finds a temporary price difference, it automatically buys at the lowest available price before instantly selling at the highest available price for returns of iki 45% per metus, priklausomai nuo įmokėtos sumos.

Another way to make a consistent, predictable profit, whether the market is sinking or soaring, is by securing funds in ArbiSmart’s interest-generating piniginė, which offers sky-high rates of up to 147% a year on 25 different supported FIAT and digital currencies.

There are a wide range of savings plans, from 1 and 3-month plans to 2, 3, and 5-year plans, with higher interest, offered the longer the lock on the capital.

The exact amount of interest that is earned depends on the wallet holders’ account level, which is determined by the number of RBIS they own. Holding more RBIS means a bigger profit on balances in every supported currency, from Bitcoin to Euro, although RBIS balances earn triple the rate earned on any other balance.

The way interest is received also impacts the wallet holder’s bottom line. Paid out daily, it can be sent to an available balance for withdrawal at any time or added to the locked savings balance to earn a higher rate. Also, even if the savings balance is in BTC, ETH, or USD, just the interest can be received in RBIS, ensuring a higher profit.

Keli pajamų kanalai

ArbiSmart is in the middle of a massive development drive, which began this summer, with the introduction of the wallet in early July. Between now and the end of 2022, the development team will be launching a new mobile application for buying, selling, storing, and exchanging crypto.

It will also introduce a defi protocol with never-before-seen gamification features. The service will reward participants with up to 190,000% APY plus 0.3% of the fees from each trade.

This winter ArbiSmart will also release its own unique collection of digital artworks as well as an NFT turgavietė, where all types of nepakeičiamas token can be bought and sold. A professional exchange is also in the pipeline as well as a gaming metaverse generating real-world profits.

This broad selection of new RBIS utilities will enable users to generate profits from multiple revenue streams simultaneously, including gaming, trading, staking, arbitrage, NFT investment and savings plans. Of course, this is before taking into account profits from capital gains on the rising token value.

Didėjantis žetonų poreikis

Pagal analitikai, the RBIS token is set to rise to 48 times its current value by the end of December. There are a number of reasons for these rosy projections, but the main one is the steadily climbing demand.

ArbiSmart ekosistemos populiarumas nuolat augo, nes vis daugiau kriptovaliutų investuotojų kreipiasi į projektą kaip apsidraudimą nuo kainų kritimo. Atsparios komunalinės paslaugos, tokios kaip automatinė kriptovaliutų arbitražo sistema ir susidomėjimą generuojanti piniginė, leidžia vartotojams pradėti dirbti su kriptovaliuta, kol jie laukia, kol rinka atsigaus, o ne tiesiog leisti jai veikti. ArbiSmart leidžia jiems uždirbti didelį, pastovų pelną su minimalia rizika, kad ir kuria kryptimi juda rinka.

Also, the existing utilities as well as all those about to be added to the ArbiSmart ecosystem, require the use of the RBIS token. So, with every new service, RBIS demand will rise.

Tai jau akivaizdu iš to, kad naujajai ArbiSmart piniginei įsibėgėjus, paklausa išaugo. Vis daugiau žmonių RBIS talpina į taupymo planus ilgesniam laikui, išima iš apyvartos, todėl turima pasiūla mažėja.

Žetonų pasiūla yra ribota, visam laikui apribota iki 450 mln. RBIS, todėl paklausa ir toliau didės ateinančiomis savaitėmis ir mėnesiais, plečiantis ekosistemai, o turima pasiūla mažėja, žetonų kaina kils. 

Atsižvelgiant į visus šiuos veiksnius, nenuostabu, kad, nors likusioje rinkoje kainos krito, RBIS kyla į viršų. Norėdami pradėti uždirbti pelno, net jei meškos tendencija tęsiasi, Pirkite RBIS dabar!

Atsakomybės neigimas

Visa mūsų svetainėje esanti informacija skelbiama sąžiningai ir tik bendro pobūdžio informacijos tikslais. Bet kokie veiksmai, kuriuos skaitytojas imasi remdamasis mūsų svetainėje esančia informacija, yra griežtai jų pačių rizika.

Source: https://beincrypto.com/this-coin-jumped-350-during-september-while-bitcoin-and-dogecoin-slumped/