JAV senatorius įveda „Skaitmeninio dolerio įstatymą“, kad uždraustų iždui ir Fed kištis į amerikiečius naudojant popierinę valiutą – „Bitcoin“ naujienų reglamentas

JAV senatorius įvedė „Skaitmeninio dolerio įstatymą, kad uždraustų JAV iždui ir Federaliniam rezervui kištis į amerikiečius naudojant popierinę valiutą“, jei bus priimta centrinio banko skaitmeninė valiuta. Įstatymo projekte taip pat teigiama: „Jokia centrinio banko skaitmeninė valiuta nelaikoma teisėta mokėjimo priemone pagal Jungtinių Valstijų kodekso 16 antraštinės dalies 5103 31 skyrių.

No Digital Dollar Act Introduced

U.S. Senator James Lankford (R-OK) announced Thursday that he has introduced a sąskaita titled “No Digital Dollar Act to prohibit the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve from interfering with Americans using paper currency if a digital currency is adopted and makes certain individuals can maintain privacy over their transactions using cash and coins.”

Įstatymo projektas „iš dalies pakeis Federalinio rezervo įstatymą, kad uždraustų Federalinių rezervų sistemos valdytojų tarybai nutraukti Federalinių rezervų banknotų išleidimą, jei išleidžiama centrinio banko skaitmeninė valiuta, ir kitais tikslais“, teigiama įstatymo projekto tekste.

Furthermore, “the Secretary of the Treasury may not discontinue minting and issuing coins under this section if a central bank digital currency is issued,” the bill details, adding:

No central bank digital currency shall be considered legal tender under section 16 5103 of title 31, United States Code.

Senator Lankford explained that residents in his state have expressed to him their concern that the Treasury “could phase out paper money and transition to a digital dollar.” He stressed that many Oklahomans “still prefer hard currency or at least the option of hard currency.”

The lawmaker added, “There are still questions, cyber concerns, and security risks for digital money,” emphasizing: “There is no reason we can’t continue to have paper and digital money in our nation and allow the American people to decide how to carry and spend their own money.”

Lankford stressed:

As technology advances, Americans should not have to worry about every transaction in their financial life being tracked or their money being deleted.

The lawmaker explained that “There is currently no federal statute that prohibits the Treasury from only having a digital currency.”

While the Federal Reserve is working on a digital dollar, Fed Chair Jerome Powell said this week that a U.S. central bank digital currency (CBDC) will take bent porą metų. “We are looking at it very carefully. We are evaluating both the policy issues and the technology issues, and we are doing that with a very broad scope,” Powell said.

Žymos šioje istorijoje
CBDC, centrinio banko skaitmeninė valiuta, Skaitmeninis doleris, Fed pirmininkas, fed chair cbdc, fed chair digital dollar, šeriamas kėdė Powell, Fed pirmininkas, Federalinių rezervų pirmininkas, jerome powell, jerome powell digital dollar, Nėra skaitmeninio dolerio įstatymo

What do you think about this No Digital Dollar Act? Let us know in the comments section below.

Kevin Helms

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Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/us-senator-introduces-no-digital-dollar-act-to-prohibit-treasury-and-the-fed-from-interfering-with-americans-using-paper-currency/