Pristatome SX tinklą, dviejų sluoksnių blokų grandinę daugiakampiui

The cryptocurrency community has numerous ideals that helped grow the market to over $3 trillion at its peak. These ideals include security, decentralization, and free markets and are now being upheld by SportX via the SX Network.

To understand what the SX Network is we first need to look at SportX itself, which is a consumer-facing front-end prediction market application.

It uses the SX Protocol, a set of smart contracts, to power and govern the non-custodial market.

„SportX“ yra decentralizuota, o jos bendruomenės nariai balsuoja ir teikia valdymo pasiūlymus. Norėdami tai padaryti, jie turi turėti SX žetoną, nes svarbu, kas gali balsuoti už sprendimus, galinčius turėti įtakos SX iždui, kuris yra grandinės mokesčių fondas, gaunantis 55% visų SX kartu su SX sugeneruotais mokesčiais. protokolas.

SX tinklo supratimas

Taking all of this into account, we get a bigger picture of the SX Network, which includes the SX Chain, the base layer for the network.

The blockchain is an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible one in which users keep the same wallet address they did on Ethereum, along with the same token names, block explorers and wallets.

SX Network is the first layer-two blockchain for Polygon built specifically to scale betting, decentralized finance (DeFi), and non-fungible token (NFT) applications.

The network is being built in collaboration with Polygon, which means it’s tied to both Ethereum and Polygon for more security.

SX tinklas, kurį verta pridėti, papildo ir Ethereum, ir Polygon ir nėra skirtas jų pakeisti. Ji turi teisėtą komandą su ilgamete patirtimi ir apima bendruomenės valdymą per SX iždą.

The network has an on-chain ecosystem fund, where leading decentralized applications can be launched on the platform and receive funding through the SX Treasury.

Funding decisions are up to SX token holders. The network, it’s worth noting, uses a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus algorithm.

Kuo išskirtinis SX tinklas

The SX Network has several significant unique selling points, including being the first blockchain in the world where the token confers token holders ownership over the applications launched within it.

SX Token holders essentially gain exposure to the decentralized applications within the network, which themselves are aligned to benefit the SX Network.

As the network was launching using the Polygon SDK, it will incur ultra-low transaction costs without sacrificing security.

It’s the first public network to combine smart contracts with an on-chain community treasury and a native prediction market protocol.

Its free market-based governance system implies every token holders will have an interest in contributing, which in theory should lead to better and faster decision-making.

For developers, expanding to the SX Chain is only natural if they already deployed their decentralized applications on Polygon, as the network is the first layer-two solution built on top of Polygon.

The ultra-low gas costs should be enough of an incentive to justify users switching over.

Be to, yra galimybė gauti lėšų iš SX iždo, kurios išleidžiamos remiantis valdymo balsais. Šiuo pasiūlymu jau pasinaudojo daugiau nei 20 įmonių.

SX tokenas

The SX Token (SX), as mentioned above, is built for governance of the SX Network but it has a total of three main use cases, meaning two apart from governance of the protocol.

One of them is staking, as in order to vote in governance proposals participants need to stake their tokens, which also secures the network.

On top of that, the token offers a fee discount on any exchange within the ecosystem. The token has a maximum supply of one billion coins, but only 100 million are currently in circulation.

It’s trading on Uniswap, Apeswap, Quickswap, SushiSwap, Dfyn, and other exchanges.

„SX Token“ taip pat ką tik įtrauktas į populiarią centralizuotą biržą „Bitfinex“.

You can learn more about the project through its website.
