„0N1 Force Project Blue-Chip NFT“, kurį įsigijo kriptovaliutų veteranai, vadovaujami OFR

0N1 Force, a top-tier NFT collection with an emphasis on comics, has been acquired by a group of seasoned crypto industry professionals. The group, led by blockchain investment company Old Fashioned Research (OFR), paid an unknown sum to purchase the top NFT collection.

The founders of 0N1 Force have departed the company, however, Henry Finn (Starlordy), the project’s current leader, will take over as CEO. Current community moderators will also remain on board.

“We appreciate 0N1 Force’s creative narratives and its vision in building the comic-focused 0N1 Verse,” said Ling Zhang, Managing Partner of Old Fashioned Research. “0N1 Force has a vibrant and supportive community under Starlordy’s leadership, and we are excited to join the force to the core community to build a promising 0N1 Verse.”

Henry Finn pridūrė: „Man didelis malonumas ir garbė toliau tarnauti 0N1 pajėgų bendruomenei, kuriai priklausau nauja nuosavybė, kuri visiškai tiki ir ypatingai dėkoju valdybos nariams, kurie prisidėjo prie šio perėjimo.

„Naujoji savininkų grupė prisipildė aistringų meno ir istorijų pasakojimo šalininkų, kurių nuoširdi energija jau suteikė naujam gyvenimui šį legendinį prekės ženklą. Jų vizija ir ištekliai suteiks mums tvirtą pagrindą, reikalingą padėti „0N1 Force“ išnaudoti visą savo potencialą kartu su bet kokiais „blue chip“ rinkoje.

Together with Finn, Zhang, OFR Strategic Advisor, and former Binance CFO Wei Zhou, new Chief Strategy Officer William Tong, and Yield Guild COO Colin Goltra, who will join the project as a Senior Adviser and Investor, a new 0N1 Force community board will be established as part of the buyout.

„Man patinka „0n1 Force“ dėl unikalaus bendruomenės skatinamo pasakojimo pasakojimo. Remdamiesi šia ankstyva sėkme, Anklavą išauginsime į pasaulinio lygio IP pagrindinį laivą. Wei Zhou, OFR strateginis patarėjas, Coins.ph generalinis direktorius ir buvęs Binance finansų direktorius.

In order to position the expanding 0N1 Force brand as a preeminent IP that is native to the metaverse, the firm plans to invest a significant amount of money in it.

A visual novel series developed and directed by community volunteers is included in the project’s 2023 roadmap, as is 0N1 Conlave, a council of renowned Web3 and Web2 members dedicated to growing the brand.

Source: https://thenewscrypto.com/0n1-force-project-blue-chip-nft-acquired-by-crypto-veterans-headed-by-ofr/