Australijos kriptovaliutų birža „Swyftx“ atleido 35 % darbuotojų

Australian Crypto Exchange Swyftx Lays Off 35% Personnel
  • Swyftx co-CEO Alex Harper announced the decision in a statement on December 5.
  • Harper said that the difficult choice was essential to survive the ongoing crypto winter.

„Swyftx“, an Australian cryptocurrency exchange, has announced the layoff of 90 employees in preparation for a “worst-case scenario” resulting from the collapse of FTX and a possible reduction in global trading volumes in 2023.

Moreover, Swyftx co-CEO Alusx Harper announced the decision in a statement on December 5, stressing that the firm was “not immune” to the impact of the bankruptcy of the FTX exchange despite having no exposure to FTX.

Harper stated:

„Dėl to turime iš anksto pasiruošti blogiausiam scenarijui, kai kitų metų pirmąjį pusmetį pasaulinės prekybos apimtys smarkiai sumažės ir gali atsirasti daugiau juodosios gulbės tipo įvykių.

Preparation For Inevitable Decline

Furthermore, after trading volumes increased in November, a Swyftx representative informed that the company had to lay off 35% of its workforce in preparation for the inevitable decline.

A spokesperson stated:

“We have let go of staff in expectation of a potentially sharp fall in global trade volumes in the first half of 2023 and further aftershocks from FTX’s collapse.”

In the statement, Harper said that the difficult choice was essential to survive the ongoing Crypto žiemą.

Harper added:

„Mūsų verslas yra labai palankioje padėtyje esant tokioms oro sąlygoms kaip FTX […] Tačiau, kad ir kaip norėtume, nesame atskirti nuo rinkos, todėl veikiame greitai ir anksti, gerokai sumažindami mūsų komanda."

Despite being tangentially impacted by the FTX collapse, the Swyftx spokesman reaffirmed that the company’s financial sheet remained solid.

Rekomenduota jums:

„Coinbase“ generalinis direktorius kritikuoja FTX buvusį generalinį direktorių „SBF“ daugiau nei 8 mlrd.
