Binance Coin kainų analizė: BNB/USD gali iš naujo išbandyti 281 USD palaikymą per ateinančias 24 valandas

Binansas Coin price analysis has been quite bearish today the two major coins, Bitcoin and Ethereum are also both down. The price touched $290.83 today before falling to $281.26. So one can say that the market has been fairly volatile today.

Kripto šilumos žemėlapis
Kriptovaliutų šilumos žemėlapis pagal „Coin360“

The crypto heat map shows that Ethereum has fallen by around 2.74 percent while Bitcoin is down by 1.13 percent. Of course, as always, most of the altcoins are following the same course with Dogecoin, „Litecoin“, Rippleir Cardano also taking the hits.

1-day Binance coin price analysis
Binance monetų kainų diagrama pagal TradingView

1 dienų Binance Monetos kaina analysis gives us a stable RSI at 45.73. At the same time, the MACD indicator is showing an increase in the downward momentum, suggesting that the bears have strong control right now. The next major support for Binansas coin is set all the way down at $249.

24 valandų Binance Coin kainų analizė

Binance coin has been volatile in the last 24 hours. However, it took a significant hit between 5:00 (UTC) and 7:00 (UTC). In this interval, its price consistently fell from $289 to $281. This was followed by a period of sideways consolidation. So, in the short term, Binance Coin has set local resistance at $289.

Overall, the market cap of Binance has reduced by around 2 percent today. On the other hand, its trading volume for 24 hours went up by 25 percent. This leaves its overall volume-to-market cap ratio at 0.0167.

4 valandų Binance Coin kainų analizė

4-hour Binance coin price analysis
Binance monetų kainų diagrama pagal TradingView

While Binance Coin has been bearish for the most part today, the 4-hour Binance price analysis gives us slight hints of recovery. However, this recovery is not significant. For now, it looks like Binance Coin has entered a period of sideways consolidation and might continue with it for the next few hours.

Overall, the bearish sentiment in the market is strong. So Binance Coin can certainly retest the recent support at $281 and break lower.

„Binance Coin“ kainų analizė: išvada

Overall, Binance Coin price analysis shows us bearish conditions in the market today. The bulls seem to have been exhausted. So, the next 24 hours are also not going to be very positive. This may not be a good time to invest in Binance Coin if you are looking for short-term profits. However, if you want to invest in it for the long term, read our complete „Binance“ monetų kainos prognozė gidas.

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