Ethereum kainų analizė: ETH pasiekia 1,425 XNUMX USD žemiausią lygį ir pradeda sparčiai kilti aukštyn

Ethereum price analysis is bullish today as we have seen failure to drop further and a quick reversal over the past hours. ETH/USD has also broken past $1,500 resistance, indicating that retracement from the previous push lower has begun.

Ethereum price analysis: ETH bottoms out at $1,425, begins a swift move higher 1
Kriptovaliutų šilumos žemėlapis. Šaltinis: „Coin360“

The market has traded in the green over the last 24 hours. The leader, Bitcoin, gained 2 percent, while Ethereum 3.6 percent. Meanwhile, the rest of the top altcoins followed close by.

Ethereum price movement in the last 24 hours: Ethereum fails to break lower

ETH/USD kursas svyravo nuo 1,427.73 1,524.34 USD iki 24 20.64 USD, o tai rodo didelį nepastovumą per pastarąsias 17 valandas. Prekybos apimtys išaugo 185.75 proc. ir iš viso sudaro 18.93 mlrd. USD, o bendra rinkos kapitale prekiaujama apie XNUMX mlrd. USD, todėl rinkoje dominuoja XNUMX proc.

ITB valdiklio pavyzdys

ETH/USD 4-hour chart: ETH begins to retrace

On the 4-hour chart, we can see the first strong spike above $1,500, indicating that more upside is to follow over the next few days.

Ethereum kainų analizė: ETH pasiekia 1,425 XNUMX USD žemiausią lygį ir pradeda sparčiai kilti aukštyn
ETH / USD 4 valandų diagrama. Šaltinis: TradingView

Ethereum kaina action saw a strong lower swing high set last week after several days of retracement. Buying pressure stopped at $1,720m leading to further downside later in the week.

Selling continued for several days, leading to the $1,500 as the first stop. After some hesitance, ETH/USD tested even further downside, sudarė 1,425 USD support next.

From there, Ethereum price reversed, likely as sellers were exhausted again. Over the past hours, ETH/USD already broke past previous resistance, indicating that more upside is about to follow.

Ethereum kainų analizė: išvada 

Ethereum kainų analizė is bullish today as we have seen a strong lower swing low set and the first signs of reversal as the $1,500 resistance was broken. Therefore, we expect ETH/USD to continue higher later in the week and look to set another swing lower high.

Laukdami, kol Ethereum pajudės toliau, peržiūrėkite mūsų straipsnius apie tai, kaip pirkti Litecoin, Filecoinir Polkadot.

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