Šiandienos Wordle #711 patarimai, užuominos ir atsakymai trečiadienį, gegužės 31 d.

We have arrived at the very last day of May. June is knocking at the gates. Pride Month. My birth month. The last month of Spring and the first month of Summer.

I was trying to remember the Mother Goose rhyme about the months and how many days they each have and had to look it up, but here it goes:

Rugsėjo mėnuo trisdešimt dienų,

April, June and November.

All the rest have thirty-one,

Excepting February alone,

And that has twenty-eight days clear

And twenty-nine in each leap year.

The two months Julius and Augustus Caesar added to the calendar—July and August—each were given 31 days in honor of their imperial importance. January and February were added hundreds of years prior and also given 31 days. Prior to the creation of those two months, winter was simply a time without months.

That’s almost fitting, I think. As if time itself reached the ledge of winter and simply vanished into the frigid wastes. All things in hibernation and gloom. Then the calendar awakens once more, shakes off its slumber, and we start counting the days again.

Gerai, padarykime tai Wordle!

Kaip išspręsti šiandienos žodį

Užuomina: Nimble, quick.

Užuomina: This word has more vowels than consonants in it.





Wordle robotų analizė

Baigęs „Wordle“ visada užsukau į registraciją Wordle Botas kad pamatyčiau, kaip įmušiau balus pagal kiekvieną individualų spėjimą ir tai, ar pergudravau robotą, ar ne.

I’m not terribly pleased with my guessing game today, though I had one good guess that saved me. My opener, svajonė, was more of a nightmare. Well, maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but I was left with 156 possible words and two yellow boxes.

That’s not the worst bit. My second guess, peaks, was really not great and I should have thought a bit harder before plugging it in. 47 words remained after this one, and still just two yellow boxes.

At this point, I realized that just because I had two vowels, didn’t mean I had visi the vowels I needed. I considered guessing vienas bet nuėjo su svetimas instead, which ended up being my one lucky guess, slashing my remaining choices down to just one: judrus.

Šios dienos rezultatas: Alas! I get 0 points for guessing in four, and once again Wordle Bot beat me by guessing in just three. That’s a grand total of -1 for the day. Boo!

Šiandieninė Wordle etimologija

The word “agile” comes from the Latin word “agilis,” which means “nimble” or “quick.” It is derived from the verb “agere,” which means “to do” or “to act.” The concept of agility has long been associated with physical speed and dexterity.

In the context of software development and project management, the term “agile” emerged in the 20th century. It was initially introduced in 2001 with the publication of the “Agile Manifesto,” a document created by a group of software developers who sought to establish a new approach to software development that emphasized flexibility, collaboration, and responsiveness to change.

The term “agile” was chosen to reflect the desired qualities of the methodology, which included the ability to quickly adapt to changing requirements, deliver working software incrementally, and promote close collaboration among team members. Since then, the term “agile” has become widely recognized and adopted in the software development industry, and it has also been extended to other fields and industries that value flexibility and adaptability in their processes.

Žaisk konkurencinį žodį prieš mane!

Aš žaidžiau žiaurų PvP Wordle žaidimą prieš savo priešą Wordle Butą. Dabar turėtumėte žaisti prieš mane! Aš galiu būti tavo priešas! (Ir jūsų naudingas Wordle vadovas, žinoma). Taip pat galite žaisti prieš Botą, jei turite „New York Times“ prenumeratą.

  • Štai taisyklės: 1 taškas už Wordle gavimą 3 spėjimais.
  • 2 taškai už tai, kad gavote 2 spėjimus.
  • 3 taškai už tai, kad gavote 1 spėjimą.
  • 1 taškas už Eriko sumušimą
  • 0 taškai už tai, kad gavote 4 spėjimus.
  • -1 taškas už tai, kad gavote 5 spėjimus.
  • -2 taškai už tai, kad gavote 6 spėjimus.
  • -3 taškai už pralaimėjimą.
  • -1 taškas už pralaimėjimą Erikui

Jei norite, galite skaičiuoti savo rezultatą arba tiesiog žaisti kasdien.

Man būtų malonu, jei galėtumėte mane sekti Twitter arba Facebook brangiausi Žodininkai. Gražios dienos!

Kaip visada, man būtų malonu, jei stebėtumėte mane šiame tinklaraštyje ir užsiprenumeruotumėte mano „YouTube“ kanalą bei mano „Substack“, kad galėtumėte gauti naujausią informaciją apie visas mano TV, filmų ir vaizdo žaidimų apžvalgas ir informaciją. Dėkoju!

Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2023/05/30/todays-wordle-711-hints-clues-and-answer-for-wednesday-may-31st/