„OpenSea“ susiduria su sunkia naujųjų NFT rinkos konkurentų konkurencija


  • OpenSea Faces Competition From SudoSwap 
  • SudoSwap Daily Trading Volume Touches 10% of OpenSea.
  • SudoSwap Ready to Give Head to HEad competition to OpenSea

Even after a subtle drop in the crypto sphere, many companies are joining the marketplace. One such newbie is a Non-fungible token marketplace that is giving tough competition to OpenSea. This new NFT marketplace is clearly snatching a small percentage of the market share from OpenSea. 

The decentralized NFT marketplace SudoSwap is giving tight-end competition to the dominant company. SudoSwap is disrupting „OpenSea“ powerful stranglehold in the NFT market. The daily trading volume is approximately 10% of „OpenSea“ mažiau nei per mėnesį. 

The decentralized NFT marketplace was launched in early July and framed itself as a highly flexible, gas-efficient, and fully on-chain. 

Teigia projektą,

“Currently, the NFT market relies on centralized order books that are subject to downtime and centralization risk. sudoAMM changes that by being fully on-chain. Anyone can source the same liquidity used by the sudoswap marketplace in their applications using just Ethereum.

NFT rinkos struktūra buvo neveiksminga dėl mokesčių. Pirkėjams dažnai reikia padidinti kainą 10 %, kad tik atsipirktų. Prekyba „SudoSwap“ reiškia, kad mokate tik 0.5% mokestį, palyginti su įprastu 7.5% (2.5% + 5% honoraru) mokesčiu kitose platformose, todėl galite geriau sužinoti kainą.

„SudoAMM“ nuo pat pradžių parašyta, kad prekybininkams taupo dujas. Prekyba pavieniais NFT yra tokia pat pigi, kaip ir labiausiai optimizuotos NFT apsikeitimo sutartys, o prekiaujant NFT masiškai, sudoAMM gali būti iki 40 % pigesnis!

The SudoSwap’s total value locked (TVL) currently hovers around $3 Million, up more than 900%.

Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/08/28/opensea-faces-tough-competition-from-new-nft-market-competitors/