Daugiakampio NFT pardavimai išaugo 191%, štai kaip reagavo MATIC kaina

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Gamza Khanzadajevas

Polygon’s integrations with Starbucks and Meta help MATIC price during crypto collapse

Kripto analizės portalas Messaria reports that the number of Polygon-based NFT sales has increased by 191% since the end of September, the best result of any blockchain. This mark has been achieved by integrating Polygon’s power into the infrastructure of top Web2 companies. In a short period of time, Starbucks, Instagram (Meta), Reddit and many others have used this Layer 2 blockchain’s capabilities.

Kaip NFT sekėsi per nuosmukį?@ 0xPolygon Nuo rugsėjo pabaigos NFT pardavimai išaugo 191 %, nes Web2 įmonės bandė visiškai integruoti NFT į savo platformas.@Starbucks, @Redditir @Įvartis visi integruoti su @ 0xPolygon. pic.twitter.com/pIgXQgdgwt

- „Messari“ (@MessariCrypto) Lapkritis 30, 2022

poligonas is currently fourth among all chains in terms of total NFT sales since the beginning of the year. However, it would be more interesting to see how Polygon’s successes this autumn have affected the price of the fuel powering its network. We’re talking about MATIC, currently ranked tenth among the largest crypto assets by CoinMarketCap.

Polygon (MATIC) price action is win-win

Žiūri į MATIC chart, you can see that the technique fully correlated with the above-mentioned fundamentals, when the asset was in an accumulation phase since July and, in November, on a 32% momentum, started to increase rapidly in value.

MATIC & ETH to USD by CoinMarketCap

Nevertheless, the famous FTX story happened next, and MATIC gave away all of its gains, collapsing to the support level around $0.805.

In total, looking at the MATIC monthly price chart, it can be said that it is breaking even for the last five months. Another thing is the MATIC chart against Bitcoin (BTC) or Ethereum (ETH), against which Polygon token showed 115% and 53.7%, respectively, during the same period of time.

Source: https://u.today/polygon-nft-sales-up-191-heres-how-matic-price-reacted