126 milijonai Shiba Inu sudegė per vieną sandorį, 132 milijonai per 24 valandas, kai degimo lygis padidėja 1502 %

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Shiba Inu’s Burn Rate is up 1502% as 132.77 Million SHIB Burned in the Past 24 Hours, 126.73 Million in One Transaction.

Shiba Inu’s Burn Rate Skyrockets 1502% as 132.77 Million SHIB Burned in the Past 24 Hours, 126.73 Million in One Transaction.

Shiba Inu’s Burn rate soars 1502.55% as the most powerful Community in the crypto space set fire to 132.77 Million SHIB in the past 24 hours. One of the Community-led Burn projects destroyed 126.73 Million SHIB in one significant transaction.

Vienas iš Community-led Burn initiatives dubbed “1Cent” added fuel to the fire and caused Shiba Inu’s burn rate to skyrocket 1502.55% over the last day when only 8,402,785 (8.40M) SHIB had been burned.

Shiba Inus Burn Rate Skyrockets
Shiba Inus Burn Rate Skyrockets

1Cent, a SHIB Burn Project created by Shiba Inu holders, cremated a big chunk equal to 126,735,223 (126.73M) SHIB tokens in one worth mentioning transaction carried about 12 hours ago. The project also has destroyed 70 Bone ShibaSwap (BONE), in a atskiras sandoris.

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Source: https://thecryptobasic.com/2022/09/21/126-million-shiba-inu-burnt-in-one-transaction-132m-in-24-hours-as-burn-rate-soars-1502/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=126-million-shiba-inu-burnt-in-one-transaction-132m-in-24-hours-as-burn-rate-soars-1502