ADALend generalinis direktorius apie Kanados bankininkystės įšaldymą, DeFi svarbą ir kt

Welcome to the second installment of our interview series with the ADALend CEO Kaspars Koskins. Recent events in the US and Canada have illustrated that Decentralized Finance is more important than ever before.

ADALend is at the vanguard of this revolution in the lending industry by using blockchain technology to disintermediate the traditional middlemen – providing unprecedented access to loans for those ignored by the traditional banking system and providing high yields for investors in a persistently low-interest-rate environment. 

Be to, kaip matėme dramatišką JAV SEC ir Kanados vyriausybės perviršį, decentralizuotų finansų platformos tapo svarbesnės nei bet kada, siekiant apsaugoti paprastų piliečių turtus. Po paskutinio interviu su Kasparu buvome priblokšti teigiamų atsiliepimų, tad be tolesnio atsisveikinimo pradėkime. 

ADALend CEO Kaspars Koskins
ADALend CEO Kaspars Koskins

Interviewer: Welcome back Kasparas, in our last interview we discussed deeply the value that ADALend provides for the middle classes in the western world as well as emerging markets. For those of our audience that missed it, can you summarize the ADALend value proposition?

Koskins: Certainly, first let me just say it’s great to be back here. The passionate ADALend community loved our last interview and we touched on many topics that resonated with them and attracted many other like-minded folks to join us. Today we are going to go even deeper philosophically into why Cardano and decentralized financial systems are more important than ever, and how recent events in the US, Canada, and even Russia are highlighting this. However, first, let me recap the ADALend vision and mission as you wisely suggested. 

Here at ADALend we are developing a scalable, trustless, and decentralized lending protocol that protects its users within a self-governed environment. From our earliest inception, we committed to building natively on the Cardano blockchain, which will enable the lending platform to aggregate protocols that support business models that give economic support to billions of users.

ADALend sugrąžins galios pusiausvyrą tarp skolintojų ir skolininkų. Leidus naudoti skaitmeninį turtą kaip užstatą, platformos naudojimas bus diversifikuotas vartotojo naudai.

We chose to build on the Cardano blockchain as Ethereum is no longer usable by the majority of people on the planet due to the high transaction costs – with gas fees reaching into the hundreds of dollars per transaction. This is unacceptable to ordinary people in the western world today as well as the millions of unbanked people in the developing countries of Africa and Asia lending and borrowing far smaller amounts.

Ethereum is now only usable by the already wealthy, while new platforms like Solana and Avalanche have problems with centralization, security, and reliability. Cardano is the only truly decentralized blockchain with the required security, speed, and low transaction fees required to provide a truly democratic financial solution that can be used by every human on planet earth. 

Kaip jau minėjau mūsų paskutiniame interviu, ADALend vizija puikiai dera su Cardano įkūrėjo Charleso Hoskinsono, kuris aistringai siekia pagerinti žmonių finansinius rezultatus visame pasaulyje, nepaisant rasės, tautybės, lyties ar finansinės padėties, viziją.

Interviewer: Thank you for the summary Kaspars, it’s truly impressive what you and your team are building. Neprisijungę kalbėjome apie „BlockFi SEC“ baudą ir Kanados vyriausybės veiksmus prieš „Trucker“ protestus. Ką šie įvykiai turi bendro ir ar galite daugiau pasidalyti, kaip jie susiję su ADALend misija?

Koskins: Absolutely, in recent weeks we have seen the SEC fining BlockFi $100 million US dollars for providing a decent interest rate to its users; Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has taken the unprecedented step of invoking the Emergencies Act to crack down on anti-vaccine mandate freezing their bank accounts; and Western leaders threaten to cut Russia off from the SWIFT banking system if they invade Ukraine.

Now, regardless of your political opinion on these events, they highlight how governments and institutions can, at their convenience, cut ordinary people out from earning interest on their savings,  accessing their savings or transferring money internationally.

I am old enough to remember when in 2013 the government of Cyprus decided to unilaterally impose a 10% “haircut” on bank accounts to bail themselves out after the financial crises and literally unlawfully stole the money from peoples accounts. This was my conversion moment that we need to protect individuals hard-earned wealth from overreaching governments and began my journey into Bitcoin, then Cardano and ultimately the desire to build a truly decentralized financial system, 

With a Decentralized Financial platform like ADAlend, people can earn a good interest rate on their hard-earned savings without worrying about the risks of the Government attacking the platform as they did with a centralized crypto lender like BlockFi or the government trying to freeze your bank account if they don’t agree with your opinions or peaceful protest like they did in Canada.

DeFi systems are by their very definition more robust and antifragile than centralized companies like BlockFi. The ADAlend protocol and network is more akin to Bitcoin or Cardano whereas the network scales it will become more robust to attack. 

In parallel to the completely decentralized ADALend protocol and core platform, we are exploring offering regulated centralized lending services in each jurisdiction that we operate in. These will offer slightly lower interest rates and yields than on the ADALend decentralized staking and liquidity provision platform, but still far-far higher than any bank or credit union.

This is because we understand that while our crypto-native community members are comfortable investing the time and energy to interact with DeFi protocols, we have mature users as well – business owners, doctors, lawyers, and self-employed tradesmen who simply don’t have time to live online. 

For these hardworking people, we will provide high interest rates on stablecoin and crypto savings, in a highly regulated environment. We are working with the regulators on a jurisdiction by jurisdiction basis – beginning with my home market of the European Union with an Estonian entity, followed by the United Kingdom with a London HQ, and then the United Arab Emirates, with a regulated entity in the Dubai International Financial Center (DIFC).

Next on the roadmap will be the US and Canada so we are watching and learning from the experiences of BlockFi, Nexo Celsius, and others as we plan our market entry.  We believe that to truly revolutionize finance you need to disrupt the system from inside and out,  and this is why we have adopted a two-pronged strategy of rolling out a DeFi protocol and a CeFi business in parallel globally. 

Interviewer: Thank you Kasparas, it’s tremendously exciting to hear how your mission is evolving over time and how each misstep and overreach by governments only makes the ADALend value proposition more compelling and essential to protecting the hard-earned savings of ordinary, hard-working žmonių visame pasaulyje. 

Taigi, norėdami pereiti nuo filosofinės ir strateginės prie taktinės, pasiraitokime rankoves ir pakalbėkime apie tai, kaip jūs ir vaikinai atliekate šią misiją apkasuose. Kaip vyksta komercinis ir techninis darbas?  

Koskins: Dėkojame už gerus žodžius. Taip, įdomu ir baugina matyti, kaip naujienų makroįvykiai daro ADALend misiją vis svarbesnę kiekvieną kartą, kai kalbame. Tai tikrai sustiprina mūsų ryžtą ir motyvuoja komandą, kuriai išsirinkome vertą tikslą: užtikrinti finansinę įtrauktį, saugumą ir turto apsaugą įvairaus dydžio taupantiems ir investuotojams.

On the technical side, we have strengthened our development team with a new CTO Ali Krynitsky, who brings many years of operational experience leading Enterprise and Consumer Software Development and Technology projects and brings with him a loyal, experienced, and hardworking team of developers. 

Įdomu tai, kad Ali turi labai stiprią mokslinių tyrimų ir akademinę patirtį, todėl jis puikiai tinka moksliniams tyrimams ir recenzuojamam kūrimo procesui Cardano. Jis yra tikras technikos genijus, dirbęs su ypač įdomiomis technologijomis, tokiomis kaip „swamm“ tinklas, todėl ADALend komanda ir bendruomenė yra palaiminta, kad jis kuria mums. Ali pritaria mano nuomonei apie tai, kaip šiandieniniai makroekonominiai ir politiniai įvykiai didina ADALend svarbą ir aktualumą, o gimęs buvusioje Sovietų Sąjungoje Ali labai gerai supranta pavojus, kylančius dėl vyriausybės peržengimo privačių asmenų gebėjimui užsidirbti ir išlaikyti savo galimybes. turtas!  

Ali and his team have been working around the clock to leverage the latest research and reposts from IOHK and other Cardano knowledge repositories to inform their development roadmap for the Plutus and Haskell powered staking and lending platform back end, while also working on the UX and UI to ensure its a best in class FinTech experience.

We have found that one of the barriers to mass adoption of DeFi protocols is the poor frontend user experience that scares off the casual user so we have endeavored to ensure that the user experience of ADALend’s DefI and DeFi projects will be as slick and user friendly as the latest consumer applications that we expect and demand in the present environment. 

Verslo plėtros ir komercijos srityje esame užsiėmę santykių kūrimu su Europos, JK ir Dubajaus reguliavimo institucijomis, siekdami užtikrinti, kad nepatektume į jokias kliūtis, kaip tai padarė BlockFi. Akivaizdu, kad kita sritis, kuriai esame labai susikoncentravę, yra mūsų viešasis IDO pristatymas kovo pradžioje, kai ADAL prieigos raktas bus pasiūlytas visuomenei.

Interviuotojas: Džiaugiuosi girdėdamas, kad Ali ir jo techninė komanda pristato prekes ir kad techninės plėtros veiksmų planas sparčiai vystosi. Atrodo, kad įdomūs pokyčiai vyksta ir komercinėje pusėje! Paskutinį kartą, kai kalbėjome, jūs dalyvavote privačiame išpardavimas, ar galite papasakoti daugiau apie ADAL prieigos rakto paleidimą ir kaip mūsų skaitytojai gali sužinoti daugiau?

Koskins: Absolutely – in the world of crypto the public launch or IDO is similar to the Initial Public Offering (IPO) of a tech company. ADALend is currently in the final stage of its private sale so it’s similar to buying Google, Amazon, or Apple stock before their IPO. The ADALend private sale ends on February 28 so that would be the last date to buy the ADAL tokens at a significant discount.

The launch will be in the first week of March and a limited number of ADAL tokens will be sold across several launchpads in parallel and will begin trading on the exchanges shortly afterward. The starting price is one US dollar, but as you know the token price can perform dynamically in the first days of trading so it is very important to register your interest early to avoid disappointment.

To learn more about the ADALend mission, and to register interest for the final allocation of discounted private sale tokens, your readers can email: [email protected] with the subject line: CEO INTERVIEW, and our team will add them to the priority list, and get back to them ASAP.

Interviuotojas: Kaip visada, tai buvo ir edukacinis, ir įkvepiantis pokalbis su jumis. Ačiū už skirtą laiką Kasparai.

Koskins: Man malonu, linkiu jums ir jūsų skaitytojams pelningo ateinančio mėnesio ir ketvirčio. Nekantriai laukiu kito mūsų interviu po viešo pristatymo. 

Atsakomybės neigimas

Visa mūsų svetainėje esanti informacija skelbiama sąžiningai ir tik bendro pobūdžio informacijos tikslais. Bet kokie veiksmai, kuriuos skaitytojas imasi remdamasis mūsų svetainėje esančia informacija, yra griežtai jų pačių rizika.
