Elrond punta forte sul Web3 su Utrust įsigijimu


January 11th, Sibiu, Romania and Braga, Portugal - Elrond Network, the creators of the internet-scale blockchain that can scale beyond 100,000 transactions per second at negligible costs, has announced the acquisition of Utrust, the leading cryptocurrency payment solution in the market. 

The acquisition of Utrust by Elrond

With the acquisition of Utrust, Elrond sets out to accomplish two goals: 

  • Payments: make payments faster, cheaper and more secure by using blockchain technology 
  • Merchant Yield: transform payment processing services from a cost for merchants into an income stream. 

Elrondas has developed groundbreaking blockchain technology that is intended to serve as the backbone for a new, high bandwidth, low latency, inexpensive financial system that becomes accessible to anyone anywhere. 

By acquiring Utrust, the world’s first crypto payment solution to offer instant transactions, buyer protection and crypto-to-cash settlements, Elrond together with Utrust intend to revolutionize ecommerce and payments. 

Tikslas – pirma, kad mokėjimai būtų visiškai skaitmeniniai, naudojant blokų grandinę, kad būtų pasiūlyti beveik momentiniai ir saugūs pasauliniai atsiskaitymai už nedidelę kainą, prieinamą prekybininkams visame pasaulyje, ir, antra, panaudoti galingą DeFi mechaniką, kad per Merchant Yield būtų pakeista paradigma. Produktai. 

„Geriausiu atveju mokėjimai turėtų įvykti beveik akimirksniu, visame pasaulyje ir už nedidelę kainą. Pagrindinis mūsų tikslas – tai suteikti prekybininkams visame pasaulyje. Antrasis produktas, prie kurio dirbsime kartu su naujausiu Elrond šeimos nariu, yra „Merchant Yield“ – pirmasis „DeFi“ mokėjimų apdorojimo sprendimas, kuris prekybininkams suteiks pelno, o ne reikalautų mokėti tam tikrą procentą nuo sandorio vertės. Pasekmes sunku pervertinti. 

sakė Beniamin Mincu, Elrond Network CEO

A revolution for payments

For context, in a fully digital world payment processors still offer slow settlement times, and charge merchants anywhere between 3% – 11% of each transaction, an amount that is often the difference between profitability and bankruptcy for a lot of businesses worldwide. 

By using state of the art blockchain technology to make payments fully and natively digital, we not only increase the settlement speeds and significantly decrease the costs associated with receiving a payment, but transforming them into a scalable revenue stream, merchants anywhere will be able to bring more of the multi-trillion dollar crypto market into their business and earn on every transaction they receive, instead of paying for it. 

"Idėja, kad mokėjimai iš sąnaudų virstų pajamų srautu, mums skambėjo taip pat beprotiškai, kaip ir visiems, kurie apie tai galvoja pirmą kartą. Ištyrę tai kartu su Elrondu, ne tik supratome, kad tai įmanoma, bet ir tai, kad tai neišvengiama mokėjimų ateitis. Taigi nusprendėme suvienyti jėgas ir paspartinti DeFi mokėjimų įgyvendinimą.

sakė Sanja Kon, „Utrust“ generalinė direktorė

Powered by the Elrond technology, Utrust enters a new growth chapter. One with significant ramifications for internet commerce and merchants worldwide. 

Apie Elrondą 

Elrond is the internet-scale blockchain, designed from scratch to bring a 1000-fold cumulative improvement in throughput and execution speed. To achieve this, Elrond introduces two key innovations: a novel Adaptive State Sharding mechanism, and a Secure Proof of Stake (PoS) algorithm, enabling linear scalability with a fast, efficient, and secure consensus mechanism. Thus, Elrond can process upwards of 15,000 transactions per second (TPS), with 6-second latency, and negligible cost, attempting to become the backbone of a permissionless, borderless, globally accessible internet economy. 


Apie Utrust 

Web3 payments technology. The radically better way to pay and get paid globally. 

Utrust is the leading cryptocurrency payment solution designed to modernize the financial and payments industry and solve the problems of traditional payment methods by enabling immediate transactions, buyer protection, and instant settlements for merchants.


Source: https://en.cryptonomist.ch/2022/01/11/elrond-bets-big-on-web3-with-the-acquisition-of-crypto-payments-provider-utrust/