Kryptomon's Treasure Hunt žaidimo įvykis „Užsidirbk pėsčiomis“ sugrįžta!

Kryptomon’s Treasure Hunt “Walk-to-Earn” Game Event Returns!




There are few constants in life, but one of them is the absolute certainty that should one walk into a gym on the first few days of a new year, it’ll be packed with what seems like the entirety of the city’s total population. And that could make anyone uncomfortable, not just because of the post-Covid world we live in where social distancing is encouraged, but mainly because people put on a few more pounds than intended during the Christmas break. 

Earn Crypto & NFT to walk around the park?

This is where the news about team of the popular play-and-earn blockchain game Kryptomon planning on releasing Round 2 of their Treasure Hunt event made things very exciting, with the chance to get whitelisted.

Kryptomon Treasure Hunt Round 2!

Lovingly referred to by its community as Kryptomon’s “Walk-To-Earn” mechanism, the 19 m. Sausio 2022 d will see players from all around the world once again taking up the mantle of a Kryptomon hunter. Logging in with their mobile phones, hunters will track down Kryptomon loot boxes as well as eggs in a style reminiscent of the popular Pokemon Go.




Merging the metaverse with the physical world, the Treasure Hunt is the first of its kind in the crypto gaming space. Via the event, players will be able to find and earn NFTs in the real world via a location-based game that will see their NFTs minted directly into their wallets. 

In a recent update, the company has also confirmed that updates made in Round 2 will allow hunters to earn KMON in addition to Kryptomon eggs and loot boxes. There will also be a special Komandinės varžybos, requiring players to snap a photo and tag Kryptomon on their various social media channels. Given that each member of the winning team will walk away with 10,000 $KMON ($550 at time of writing), that’s not a bad haul for what is essentially a quick selfie!

Kaip dalyvauti

To keep numbers at a manageable level, players will need to secure a spot (“whitelist themselves”) before the 19th of January 2021 in order to take part in the Treasure Hunt. Luckily, this is easily achievable by simply following Kryptomon’s social media channels, especially on Kryptomon’s Telegram group, and clicking on the link when it drops. To keep things fair, the link will be dropped at random times so you’ll have to be quick. Make sure to check Kryptomon’s Treasure Hunt event page to see if registration is open!

If that sounds like too much of a hassle, there are 2 other ways in which you can secure yourself a spot. The first is by turintis a Kriptomon NFT before the 19th of Jan 2022. Players who own Kryptomon NFTs are not only automatically guaranteed a spot, but will also be given 5 invitation codes each to give out to friends and family. So hey, if all else fails, simply hop on their Telegram channel and start making some friends. One of them might even give you an invite code for the Treasure Hunt!

One thing is for certain, with the previous event seeing Kryptomon hunters walking away with a whopping $156,000 worth of eggs and loot boxes and one lucky player even finding a Generation 0 Kryptomon egg worth $25,000(!) on the secondary resell markets, this is NOT a Treasure Hunt event you can afford to miss!

Apie Kriptomoną

Kryptomon yra NFT Play-and-Earn blockchain žaidimas, kuriame Pokémon susitinka Tamagotchi ir CryptoKitties.

Veiskite, treniruokitės ir kovokite su savo NFT kriptomonu. Tai naujas pasaulis, kuriame treneriai gali patirti naują nuotykį „Blockchain“.

Kriptomonų metaverse bendruomenės nariai žaidžia kaip savo individualių monstrų – kriptomonų – „mokytojai“, kurių kiekvienas yra visiškai unikalus skaitmeninis turtas, prijungtas prie NFT. Kiekvienas iš jų turi unikalų, bet kintamą genetinį kodą, sudarytą iš 38 atsitiktinių imčių parametrų, kurie lemia visus tvarinio aspektus – fizinius ir elgesio.

Tai ne tik užtikrina, kad kiekvienas kriptomonas yra unikalus, bet ir atgaivina kiekvieną kriptomoną kaip skaitmeninį kompanioną kriptomonų metaverse. Jie gali mokytis, susirgti, išalkti ir apsaugoti savo trenerius, kai leidžiasi į nuotykius fiziniame pasaulyje. Savo ruožtu treneriai turės rūpintis, maitinti ir mokyti savo Kriptomono partnerius, kad augtų ir pasiruoštų būsimoms kovoms.

Kryptomon sukuria kitą žingsnį kriptovaliutų žaidimų evoliucijoje, naudodama pažangias blokų grandinės technologijas, skaitmeninę genetiką ir vietos nustatymo technologijas.

Žaisk ir dalyvauk Kryptomon lygoje, kad taptum Kriptomon Metaverse čempionu!

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Kontaktai: Tomer Warschauer Nuni
Vaidmuo: Rinkodaros tarnybos vadovas
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