„TrueUSD“ ir „Balancer“ siūlo likvidumo teikėjų apdovanojimus

TrueUSD (TUSD) and Balancer (BAL) Automated Market Gamintojas (AMM) partnered up with Polygon to offer liquidity providers with TUSD and BAL rewards from a stablokinas pool incentive program last November.

The program incentivizes liquidity providers to add TUSD-DAI-USDC-USDT liquidity to the Polygon ecosystem.

In return for adding liquidity, providers will receive BAL, TUSD, and MATIC, an outstanding opportunity for liquidity providers to gain exposure to three different assets while providing liquidity to the ecosystem.

The program is live on-chain and is open to all.

TrueUSD and Balancer (Polygon) are very popular among investors searching for a safe defi investment that has generated considerable interest in the crypto communities.

This pool’s TVL rose as high as $116.9 million, prompting excitement from all corners of the crypto community. All MATIC rewards were paid out in early 2022, while liquidity bonuses in TUSD and BAL were maintained.

stable pool
(Šaltinis: polygon.balancer.fi, 2022.3.30)

The market for stablecoins has exponentially evolved in the last year, with its value reaching nearly $200 billion.

TUSD, the first regulated stablecoin fully backed by the US Dollar, independently verified on-chain, has earned trust from customers for its safety and transparency.

Its market capitalization now totals nearly $1.5 billion, putting it fourth among stablecoin peers after USDT, USDC, and BUSD.

„TrueUSD“ užmezgė partnerystę ir bendradarbiavimą su žinomomis finansų institucijomis, mainais ir decentralizuoto finansavimo projektais, kad pasiūlytų vartotojams paprastas ir lanksčias didelio pelningumo kampanijas bei papildomas paskatas.

Be to, juo siekiama sukurti daugiamatį, saugų ir veiksmingą ryšį tarp skaitmeninio turto, naudojant kelių grandinių diegimą, bankų bendradarbiavimą ir trečiosios šalies lėšų patikrinimą.

TUSD buvo sėkmingai įdiegtas 10 žinomų blokų grandinės ekosistemų (Šaltinis: TrueUSD svetainė)

„Balancer“ dabar gali pasigirti maždaug 3.13 milijardo JAV dolerių TVL, o partnerystė su „TrueUSD“ paleidžiant skatinimo programą suteikia protokolui daugiau likvidumo.

Balancer has also co-launched a Boosted Pool incentive program with the lending protocol Aave on its Ethereum versija.

Building on the liquidity incentive program between TrueUSD and Balancer, there is a high potential that the two will continue to seek other forms of collaboration in the future.

(Šaltinis: DeFi Llama, 2022.3.30)

The TUSD liquidity incentive program on Balancer is still ongoing. The TVL of TUSD-related liquidity pools has exceeded $64 million, ranking No.1 on Balancer.

The APR and trading volume stood at 5.65% and $10.25 million, respectively.

The TUSD-USDC liquidity pool on Beethoven X, Balancer’s next-generation AMM protocol on Fantom, has a TVL of $7.30 million with a 15.63% APR, presenting another opportunity.

Aukščiau esančio telkinio TVL Balancer's Polygon versijoje užima 1 vietą (Šaltinis: polygon.balancer.fi, 2022.3.30)

The data above suggests that the incentive programs are well received. As a medium of exchange for digital assets, stablecoins play a critical role in defi.

TrueUSD’s strong alliance with quality projects has proven to be a sound strategy.

Siūlydami likvidumo tiekėjams TUSD ir BAL atlygį iš jų stabilių monetų fondo skatinimo programos, „TrueUSD“ ir „Balancer“ tikisi, kad tokia precedento neturinti sėkmė ir toliau užtikrins stabilų daugiakampio ekosistemos likvidumą.

Apie TrueUSD

TrueUSD (TUSD) is the first independently-verified digital asset pegged 1-for-1 to US Dollars.

Šios ERC20 stablecoin uses multiple banks, escrow accounts, and third-party attestations to reduce counterparty risk, provide transparency, and prevent fraud.

TUSD siūlo likvidumą dešimtims pirmaujančių mainai, DeFi protocols and is supported by major OTC desks.

TUSD also supports nearly instant minting and redemption speeds through the Silvergate Exchange Network (SEN) and PrimeX by PrimeTrust.

Apie balansavimo automatizuotą rinkos formuotoją (AMM) 

Balancer Protocol allows for automated portfolio management, turning the concept of an index fund on its head.

Instead of paying fees to portfolio managers, you collect fees from traders who rebalance your portfolio by following arbitrage opportunities.

Atsakomybės neigimas

Visa mūsų svetainėje esanti informacija skelbiama sąžiningai ir tik bendro pobūdžio informacijos tikslais. Bet kokie veiksmai, kuriuos skaitytojas imasi remdamasis mūsų svetainėje esančia informacija, yra griežtai jų pačių rizika.

Source: https://beincrypto.com/trueusd-balancer-liquidity-providers-rewards-from-incentive-program/