Tai nebuvo „Bitcoin“ įvykis. Tada kodėl centriniai bankininkai buvo Salvadore?

Savaitė prasidėjo su centriniai bankininkai ir finansų institucijos iš 44 šalių arriving in El Salvador. The mainstream media ignored it completely. The IMF started sweating. President Bukele started meme-ing. Everybody assumed they were there to learn about bitcoin. It was so obvious that nobody questioned it. 

Susiję skaitymai Salvadoras dvigubai nusileidžia, nusiperka 500 BTC

Well, as it turns out, the representatives were there for an annual event by the Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI). The organization describes its objective as, “Empowering policymakers & regulatory institutions to advance financial inclusion for the poorest populations.” On the first three days, the central bankers saw panels and formed working groups in the Sheraton Presidente Hotel in San Salvador. On the fourth day, they went to Bitcoin Beach, visited the Hope House, and bought everything with Lightning payments.

Renginio pavadinimas buvo „Skaitmeninių finansinių paslaugų ir MVĮ finansų darbo grupės susitikimai,” and the AFI described its objectives alluding, but never mentioning bitcoin:

„Tikimasi, kad dėl šio bendradarbiavimo darbo grupės pasiūlys praktinio mąstymo vadovavimo ir reguliavimo gaires esminiais ir neišspręstais politikos klausimais politikos modelių, schemų ir priemonių rinkinių pavidalu ir sudarys AFI turinio stuburą. Susitikimai taip pat atitinka Salvadoro neseniai pradėtą ​​nacionalinę finansinės įtraukties strategiją, kurios prioritetas yra skaitmeninimas ir galimybė mažoms įmonėms gauti finansavimą.

In any case, as the video above shows, all the central bankers screamed “bitcoin!”

Ką iš tikrųjų padarė centriniai bankininkai?

Nuo žemės, šis Galoy pranešimas apie įvykį has the goods. “Through firsthand experience, this group of central bankers is seeing what Bitcoin can do for people left out of the current financial system,” is their conclusion. One of the panels the central bankers saw on those first few days was about the subject at hand. 

“There was one Bitcoin session. Roman Martinez (Chimbera) and Nicolas Burtey shared the story of Bitcoin Beach and provided an introduction to Bitcoin and the Lightning Network”

On those first few days, the central bankers got bitcoin wallets set up.“Outside the conference room the Bitcoin Beach Wallet team set up tables where attendees were shown how to download and use a Lightning wallet.” Those would come in handy on the fourth day, when the organizers took them to El Zonte AKA Bitcoin Beach. Over there, the central bankers paid for everything with their new wallets and “learned how to exchange Bitcoin for dollars at an ATM.”

In a tweet, the Bitcoin Beach Wallet team shared some pictures and reported, “What a historic day!! Who could’ve thought Central Bankers would have their first experience with Bitcoin using Bitcoin Beach Wallet and in El Zonte, where everything started. This is what financial inclusion looks like!”

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Trojos arklys

The central bankers came looking for financial inclusion and they got it in spades. It’s as Bitcoinist said in oJūsų pirmasis pranešimas apie situaciją:

Susiję skaitymai Panama seka Salvadorą, kai ji planuoja priimti Bitcoin ir kitus kriptovaliutus, tokius kaip XDC tinklas, kaip teisinį pasiūlymą

“El Salvador which is the first country to accept Bitcoin as legal tender will no doubt be the footprint of adoption for other countries interested in making such a move. It is still less than a year after the implementation but the president revealed that they would be discussing how beneficial using BTC as legal tender had been for the country and its citizens.”

You can’t unring a bell. Those central bankers from 44 countries where the traditional banking system failed to accomplish its goals, now know about bitcoin. They’ve seen the future and there’s no turning back. We’ll feel the ripples from this event soon enough.

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Source: https://bitcoinist.com/not-a-bitcoin-event-central-bankers-el-salvador/