Bitget dalijasi Merkle Tree Proof of Reserves, kad padidintų skaidrumą

Users’ assets safeguarded with at least a 1:1 reserve ratio

Pirmaujanti pasaulinė kriptovaliutų birža, Bitutė, announces today that it is launching its Proof of Reserves Page, which will demonstrate to users that we are a full-reserve exchange, as supported by its Proof of Reserves (“PoR”), using the cryptographic-audited Merkle tree method, and that users’ assets stored on the platform are safeguarded.

Atsargų įrodymo puslapis provides users with a wealth of information on the topic, including several core elements such as “Merkle Validator”, the monthly snapshots presenting the balance of the reserve pools, user education on Proof of Reserves and the importance of being fully reserved, as well as how the Merkle tree supports and proves the authenticity and consistency of the data presented by Bitget.

Snapshots of reserve wallets on the platform and the user’s assets serve as reassuring evidence and demonstrate that their assets are held at least at a 1:1 ratio.

To further enhance transparency and ensure the accuracy of the information on the page, Bitget is also launching a new tool, “Merkle Validator”, for users to perform self-audit with their own accounts. The feature allows users to verify the security of their funds in a few simple steps.

Users are able to verify the status of their assets’ “Merkle leaf” under the Merkle tree data structure. Bitget is also committed to carrying out regular audits of the PoRs to make sure the balances and the status of user assets within its reserves stay up-to-date.

Gracy Chen, „Bitget“ generalinė direktorė, komentuoja,

“Bitget actively responds to the market concerns, and even before FTX filed for bankruptcy, on Nov 9th, we had already promised to publish our Merkle tree Proof-of-Reserves within a month’s time.  Today, we are proud to fulfill our promise. The release of the Proof of Reserves and the Merkle tree data equips users with updated and informational insights on the financial status of Bitget and enhanced control of their assets stored on the platform, which is echoed in our commitment to maximum transparency and top-notch protection policies for users.”

“The crypto industry is under close scrutiny after the scandals and collapses of some giant crypto firms. The desire of users to invest and store assets on a secure platform has seen its high, as Bitget has witnessed an increase in users recently. With the rollout of the Proof of Reserves page, Bitget not only demonstrates well-rounded protection for users but also will continue to advocate more initiatives aiming to offer safe adoption of cryptocurrency worldwide and a sustainable and trustworthy environment in the crypto universe,” adds Gracy.

Be POR leidimo, Bitget pradėjo įvairias iniciatyvas, skirtas padėti atkurti rinkos pasitikėjimą, pavyzdžiui, pradėjo 5 mln. USD statybininkų fondą vartotojams, nukentėjusiems nuo FTX incidento, padidino apsaugos fondą iki 300 mln. milijonų kampanijų serijoje su Lioneliu Messi.

Kas yra atsargų įrodymas?

Proof of Reserves refers to an auditing procedure that is verifiable through cryptographic proofs, checks of public wallet ownership, and recurring audits to certify the holdings of an exchange.

The custodian provides transparency and proof of the existence of on-chain reserves and that the total amounts of those coins held and effectively at the disposal of the platform exceeds or is equal to the sum of all users’ holdings of those coins.

Kad tai pasiektų, „Bitget“ saugo kiekvieno vartotojo paskyros turto maišą Merkle medžio lapo mazge. Kiekvienas vartotojas gali patikrinti, ar jo lėšos yra įtrauktos į Merkle medį, patikrinęs bendrą vartotojų turto kiekį, saugomą Merkle medžio lapų mazguose. Platformos 100% mokumo programos įrodymo atvirojo kodo kodas taip pat buvo paskelbtas „GitHub“.

Apie „Bitget“

„Bitget“, įkurta 2018 m., yra penkios didžiausios pasaulyje kriptovaliutų biržos, kurių pagrindinės savybės yra naujoviški produktai ir socialinės prekybos paslaugos, šiuo metu aptarnaujanti daugiau nei 8 milijonus vartotojų daugiau nei 100 šalių visame pasaulyje.

Birža yra įsipareigojusi vartotojams teikti vieno langelio ir saugius prekybos sprendimus ir siekia padidinti kriptovaliutų naudojimą bendradarbiaudama su patikimais partneriais, įskaitant legendinį Argentinos futbolininką Lionelį Messi, pirmaujančią Italijos futbolo komandą „Juventus“, oficialią PGL Major esporto kriptovaliutų partnerę ir pirmaujančią. esporto organizacija Team Spirit.

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